Johnny Canuck Images 1/35 Posters


$7.95 for each set


Scott Van Aken


Germany, France and US

These other three sets are in single packets and cover the US, Germany and France. Set 35005 is for Germany, 35006 for France and 35007 for the US. As you can see from the images, you get a nice selection of posters and adverts. The colors are superb and the printing is first rate. As with the other images, I've degraded these to prevent copying, but on the originals you can read every letter. Any of these excellent sets will truly enhance your next diorama and add some life and color to it.

The You can get these at your favorite hobby shop (such as CRM Hobbies) or on-line.

If you would like your product reviewed fairly and quickly by a site that has over 200,000 visitors a month, please contact me or see other details in the Note to Contributors.

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