Metal Earth F-15 Eagle
KIT #: MMS082
REVIEWER: John Summerford
NOTES: Steel photoetch


“The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle is an American twin-engine, all-weather tactical fighter aircraft designed by McDonnell Douglas (now part of Boeing). Following reviews of proposals, the United States Air Force selected McDonnell Douglas's design in 1967 to meet the service's need for a dedicated air superiority fighter. The Eagle first flew in July 1972, and entered service in 1976. It is among the most successful modern fighters, with over 100 victories and no losses in aerial combat, with the majority of the kills by the Israeli Air Force.”


This whimsical kit consists of 22 shiny steel photo-etched parts, including the three-part stand. The fret measures 4 5/16th inches by 4 ¼ inches. The wingspan is 2 3/8th inches, so that puts the scale somewhere around 1/200.

Instructions are printed on one side of the metric equivalent of a 11 by 17 sheet. They indicate that no glue is required. Tabs fit into slots and one needs to pay attention to small colored symbols whether to twist the tab, or fold it. Operations include bending, folding, and rolling to shape the parts.


One needs wire cutters, needle nose pliers, tweezers, a rolling rod, and a good set of eyes to assemble the pieces. It’s probably a good idea to wear disposable gloves to avoid leaving finger prints. I’m guessing it takes two to three hours to complete.

John Summerford

July 2021

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