AMG 1/35 BT-102 'Spheroid'
KIT #: 35203
PRICE: $20.00
DECALS: Three options
REVIEWER: Ryan Koschatzky



To my knowledge this is at best a Soviet Union paper project. The design may have been born from the Kugelpanzer, of which only one example appears to exist and currently in the hands of the Russians at Kubinaka Tank Museum.


 It includes 2 plastic sprues, one large and one small, a small photo etch set, a clear lens and a small decal sheet for three options mostly in white so it will not show up in the photos well. The kit has a short run production feel to it with the large sprue gates and part attachment points. There is no location tabs for many parts. 

While this might be a paper project, I think AMG has done well to keep it close to reality; all options are your favorite Soviet Green color of the era 1938-1942. AMG has created units and table of organization and equipment. The box side art suggests follow up kits and these seem to fit the era with a captured German versions (regular and radio version both in Panzer Grey color) and a Soviet command vehicle.


 Not recommend for a beginner but anyone with some short run kit experience should not have an issue from what I have seen and test fitted.

Ryan Koschatzky

June 2018


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