Avis 1/350 SSN-637 USS

The “637-Class” submarines, also known as the “Sturgeon”
class, were nuclear-powered attack submarines in service from the mid-1960s
until the last was decommissioned in 2004.
The 28 “short hull” Sturgeons and the nine “long-hull”
boats formed the backbone of the US Navy’s nuclear attack submarine fleet during
the Cold War.
Class leader “Sturgeon”
herself was launched in 1964 and commissioned in 1966.
The Sturgeons
were a lengthened and improved variant of the
Thresher/Permit class which directly preceded them, with
the biggest difference being a much larger sail, which allowed the return of
intelligence gathering masts to U.S. attack boats. The fairwater planes on the
sail could be rotated 90 degrees, which allowed the submarine to surface through
thin polar ice. Because power came from the S5W reactor which was the same
powerplant used in the Skipjack and
Thresher/Permit classes, with an
increased i
displacement, top speed of the Sturgeon
class was 26 knots, two knots slower than the
Thresher/Permits. The last nine boats of the class were
lengthened 10 feet in order to provide more space for intelligence‑gathering
equipment and to facilitate the use of dry deck shelters which allowed the
submarine to base special forces on board.
Armament for the Sturgeons could be the Harpoon missile,
the Tomahawk cruise missile, the UUM‑44 SUBROC, the MK37 SLMM and MK 60 CAPTOR
mines, and the MK‑48 and ADCAP torpedoes. The torpedo tubes were located
amidships to dut to the the bow‑mounted sonar. The sonar sphere cover was either
steel or glass reinforced plastic. The
domes improved the sonar performance, although the towed‑array sonar was
normally used for intelligence-gathering missions as it was a much more
sensitive array.
The Sturgeon
class were the last U.S. submarines to be named for fish, with all being named
for famous World War II fleet submarines.
This limited-run injection-molded kit from the Russian
company Avis is the first injection-molded kit of a Sturgeon class submarine.
The other kit available in 1/350 is a full resin kit
from Yankee Model Works.
The kit is quite simple, as one would expect with a
modern submarine model, comprising 12 parts if one does not use the various
masts on the sail.
Decals are provided for all “short hull”
class submarines.
Construction is simple, though it was necessary to use
filler on all the seams to get a smooth finish.
As with other modern submarines, there is nothing
difficult to the project.
I painted the model as the Sturgeons appeared in the
1970s at the height of their use.
The bow sonar was painted with Tamiya Semi-gloss Black,
while the upper area of the hull and sail were painted with Tamiya NATO Black
and the lower hull was painted with Tamiya Flat Red.
I used the decals for the hull hatches and the
I left off the boat number, since these are always painted out on
If you like modern submarines and want to include a
model of a significant class of nuclear attack submarine in your collection,
this Sturgeon-class from Avis is just what you want.
Even as a limited-run kit it is simple to assemble and
Tom Cleaver
October 2012
Kit courtesy of HobbyLink Japan; order yours at
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