KIT: |
Angel Rebirth |
KIT # |
$130 |
None |
Who is Alita?
Alita (in English at
least, in Japan and on the DVD, she's Gally) is found in the Junkyard as a head
and an arm. She is a cyborg with a human brain. Daisuke Ido, a cyberdoctor from
Tipahares (the city in the sky), exiled to the Junkyard, has a spare cyborg
body. He attaches Alita's head to the cyborg body and viola we have a beautiful
young cyborg with amnesia and an uncanny ability to fight. This is a brief
synopsis of the beginning of the comic book series, Battle Angel Alita by
Yukito Kishiro.
SOL Source
This is a new figure from
the Korean Company SOL. They have a large range of figures, ranging from comic
book heroes, to fantasy girls and heroes. They also make a nice set of update
parts for Academy's 1/48 scale Su-27. The entire line will soon be available
from VLS. Your local hobby shop should be able to get them.
What I can't
understand is why the artist used an eggshell in the base. The story line
doesn't contain anything suggesting an avian connection. Angels don't
necessarily have wings, nor do all things with wings come from eggs.
Truthfully, only the cover art on the first issue had any kind of wing attached
to her form. The rest of the time she is a sleek battle-ready body in a long
coat! There is another kit available of Alita in 1/8 scale showing here in the
long coat and yes, I have that one finished.
Arms and Legs
The kit was cast
completely in resin with only a few air bubbles that needed to be taken care
of. Considering the different materials that apparently make up the actual
character, this kit needed some long range planning to build and paint. It
would be difficult to assemble the right arm over the left arm without
finishing all the metal painting first. Likewise, it would have been a tricky
masking job to paint the flesh areas without messing up the pre-painted
metallic areas.
The first part to be
actually glued together was the head to the body. The seam at the neck was
taken care of with Alumilite two-part resin as filler. This was also used to
fill any air bubbles that I found. What better material to fill resin than
resin? Once filled and sanded to my satisfaction, the torso was brush painted
with Polly S paints. Israeli tan was used as the base color, then mixed with
flesh for highlights and red brown for shadows. I used very (very, very) thin
coats of highlight and shadow. I applied about ten coats in each direction,
letting the color slowly build up. Even now, I think I didn't go far enough
with the highlights and shadows. They completely disappear in the photos.
While this was going on,
the metallic areas were painted with different Testors Metalizer paint. I took
some SNJ Aluminum polishing powder and applied it to select areas. A wash of
dirty Tamiya thinner darkened the recessed areas was followed by a light
drybrushing of Testors steel to highlight the edges. The metal areas of the
torso, leg and arm were painted at the same time.
Once the inaccessible
torso areas were dry, the right leg was joined and the seams addressed. This
part didn't fit all that well and was the most tedious part of the project,
until I got to the feathered wing. More on that later. I used every sanding
trick I knew to get a smooth join all around. Everything from nail polishing
pads to custom built sanding sticks was used. Once done, the leg was painted,
highlighted and shaded.
Due to the nature of the
pose, the right arm had to be painted before attaching to the torso. This of
course would mean that afterwards, the seam would have to be sanded ruining a
portion of the paint job. As a plastic modeler, I had learned to fully assembly
everything, prior to painting. It pains me to sand a seam after I had painted
it. Figure modelers, however, think nothing of painting everything first, then
assembling it. I had to unlearn my plastic modeling ways to work on this
figure. And of course, before attaching the right arm, the left arm must be
attached. The fit there was wonderful and gave me no problems. Once the seam on
the right arm was smoothed out and the area re-painted, I glued her to the
assembled and painted base. This gave me a handle to hold her by without
actually handling the figure and possibly breaking something.
Base Hit
The base was assembled from four pieces, two eggshell parts, the base and
the umbilical cord. The base and umbilical cord were painted in various colors
of Metallizer and Polly S. The eggshells were given several coats of Testors
Model Master II Panzer Interior Buff. This is a glossy off white color that I
thought looked great on the shells. At first I had some doubts as to the
strength of the resin umbilical cord. These turned out to be unfounded, and
resulting mounting, was very strong indeed. For photo proposes, the figure was
placed on a rectangular wood plaque from the craft store. I smeared burnt umber
oil paint all over it and shined it up with a clean sock. I ended up using this temporary base as the
permanent base as the mechanical wing dips below the base of the figure.
Mirrors to the Soul…
Thankfully, her eyes are
closed. That made painting her face a whole lot easier. Eyes are the mirrors of
the soul, and on such a large-scale figure, very noticeable. I just used my
regular shading and highlighting techniques here. Perhaps a bit more layers of
thinned reddish flesh color for the cheeks and eyelid areas. Again, I went too
light, and the colors really don't show up in the photos. Eyebrows and
eyelashes were placed with RLM 66.
Her hair was comprised of
two pieces, left and right. These were glued together and adjusted so that I
could add the hair at a later time. It was base coated with Polly S RLM 66
Scale Black, with shadows done in RLM 22 Night black.
Next the left leg was
attached, be careful not to scrape any other part of the body with the metallic
leg. The paint will rub off and mar the flesh areas. Now she's starting to look
real good. That's the Alita from the comic book.
Take Wing and Fly
The wings were a real
chore to clean up. The worst of the two being the feathered wing. The
mechanical wing was base coated in Polly S RLM 66 (again) and drybrushed with
white oil paint. This was then attached to the left shoulder and the hydraulic
pistons added and painted. The feathered was a real b***h. It was made up of
two parts with a massive seam. I superglued the two parts together as best I
could after a week of trimming, sanding and trial fitting. Despite all that
work I was still left with a large step at the top of the wing. I used 50 grit (yes 50grit) sandpaper to
even out the step and files to recut some of the lost feathers. I added the wing using the two resin plugs
for support. Big mistake. A slight jolt to the base sent the wing straight
to the floor where the two parts cracked apart. I put the wing down on my desk, put Alita down on my desk and
walked away……for three months. After
settling down a bit, I reattached the two wing parts together and put that aside
to set. I got out the old trusty Dremel
tool and reamed out two large holes in Alita’s back (ouch) and in the
wing. I got two lengths of brass rod
and sanded the ends to a slight taper.
These were superglued into the wing and once set, into the two holes in
her back. The wing attachment was still
a little too unsteady so I got a thinner brass rod, glued one end into a niche
near the tip of the wing and glued the other end into a hole in the base. Better safe than sorry….again.
Wow. This is the first really well done 1/6 scale kit I have ever done. I liked the subject and after reading the 2D version on paper, I now have her in 3D!
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