Rather than cover the history of an already popular airplane I'll focus on
the history of a rather unique one that was the subject of this build. How
many of you (raise your hands class) have ever wondered what it would have
been like to see aircraft that normally would have never met each other in
combat during WW2 go at it? Think of it, Bf 109s versus Wildcats, (well that
may have happened during Operation Torch) Brewster Buffalos versus Ta 152s,
(okay I'm in la-la land with that one), Gloster Meteors vs. Me262s, or say a
Focke Wulf 190 versus Hellcats and Corsairs? Well the latter did basically
happen but not in actual combat, keep reading. This particular FW 190, an A5
model was captured and brought back to the United States during WW2. It was
requested by the Technical Air Intelligence Section of Naval Intelligence. It
arrived on January 24, 1944 at the Captured Enemy Aircraft Unit at
the Naval
Air Station in Anacostia Washington D.C. The aircraft which had formerly been
with the Luftwaffe was said to have been in good condition overall but had
been stripped of its radio, armament and other assorted parts.
Over the course of the next month the CEAU made all kinds of necessary
repairs to the to the engine, wings, fuselage, canopy and electrical systems.
It was then repainted in a bright paint scheme with a striped rudder and star
and bar US insignia. On February 25, 1944 it was then flown to the Naval Air
Center at Patuxent River Naval Air Station. This aircraft is most likely
thought to have originally served as an A5/U8 fighter-bomber equipped with
bomb racks and minus it's cannon armament to save weight. A captured German
handbook was then used as a guide to bring the former German aircraft to its
proper gross weight and balance that would have been standard for a Luftwaffe
190 of this type. This was accomplished by adding ballast to bring it up to
its "fighting weight".
It was then repainted in a standard three tone US Navy paint scheme at
Three pilots, Lieutenant Commander F.L. Palmer and Lieutenants C.C.
Andrews and W.C. Holmes were some of the lucky ones who were fortunate enough
to fly and put the 190 through it's paces in a rigorous set of tests against
an F6F Hellcat and F4U Corsair! The Focke Wulf was reported to easily out-climb
both fighters and on the deck compared with the Hellcat it had an identical
top speed of 334 mph. The 190 was said to get progressively faster at higher
altitude and at 25,000 feet it reached a speed of 410 mph compared with the
Hellcats 391 mph. The Corsair did better at lower altitude being nearly 30 mph
faster on the deck but was still a little slower at 25,000 feet reaching 403
mph compared to the Focke Wulfs 410 mph speed. The Corsair and 190 were said
to be about even in rate of roll since the F4U had mechanically boosted
ailerons, while the Hellcat was a little behind. In maneuverability both Navy
fighters had superior turning characteristics and there was no move that the
190 could do that the other two couldn't easily follow. The 190 however was
said to stall out at times while trying to stay on the tails of either of the
Navy fighters. Further stories of its turning performance as recalled by
German pilots were it's tendencies to sometimes skid in a turn and dangerously
flip over on its back and go down if pressed too hard in a tight right hand
turn. It's not hard to understand why some moves were not recommended below
altitudes of 3,000 feet so that the pilot would have time to recover.
From everything I have read this kit supposedly dates back to 1970. If that
is true then this kit was light years ahead of its time. I would almost have
to think it's more from the mid to late 1970s myself as it compares with
similar Hasegawa kits of that time. (If anyone is certain on this please let
me know) The kit is molded in dark green plastic and features two sprues plus
one for the clear parts. All of the panel lines are recessed and the overall
quality is very
nice and
what one would expect from a Hasegawa kit of this era. Items like the cockpit
and frontal radiator area are a bit simplified, the cockpit being one of the
familiar "stone throne" types featuring a chair with the "backboard" and floor
molded around it. Hey, at the very least it works. As sparse as this sounds at
least it comes with an instrument panel and pilot to help fill the area in.
The frontal radiator area features no separate parts like the fan blade that
is unique to the FW 190 but one does have to take into account the age of the
The wheel wells may be a little shallow for some but they do feature some
raised detail and are at least boxed in all around. A nice feature of the kit
is that it gives you the choice of two versions to build, either an A5 or an
A7. Markings are provided for the colorful yellow and red tulip nose A5 flown
by Herman Graf in 1943 as depicted on the box art and an A7/R3 from JG3 "Udet"
in 1944. Both of these were most likely in the RLM 74,75 over RLM 76 scheme
though the instructions suggest Black Green and Dark Green over Light Blue for
Grafs machine which is most likely incorrect. Optional parts are provided like
two types of canopies, the normal standard style and the later "blown hood"
type. You also get two different cowl insert pieces, early style and a later
one with the enlarged gun blisters for the A7 as well as the choice of a bomb
or drop tank. Nice. Supposedly this kit has some inaccuracy issues that I
think center around the profile and shape and lack of detail in some areas.
Since I had no 1:72 plans to compare it to I can't comment on this but overall
it looks like a nice little kit from Papa Hasegawa considering its age. Time
to see how it builds up.
Since I wanted to do an A5 version from the start I knew I would
have to remove the pitot tube from the right wing tip, moving it further
inwards and use the cowling insert with the smaller gun blisters. Simple
enough. The cockpit tub and related areas/parts had been previously painted in
RLM 66 while doing another Luftwaffe build a while back so that was one less
thing that needed doing. Sometimes it pays to stretch the paint a bit rather
than dump it out in your trash pail right? A hole was then drilled in the floor
and a generic control column was added from stretched sprue and was painted to
busy things up a bit. I brushed the instrument panel with some Future to prep it
for the decal a
surprisingly they were still useable for as old as they were. Now complete, the
cockpit tub and instrument panel were then trapped between the fuselage halves
and the whole assembly was set aside to dry. The wings came next and features
the familiar one piece lower section with separate upper halves for each side.
The wing assembly was later glued on followed by the rear stabilizers and it was
now starting to look like a FW 190.
The insert cowl piece was fitted next and the cowl ring was such a tight
fit that it merely was press fitted into place. Don't forget to include the
prop shaft pin though before attaching the cowl ring though. I'd have to say
the part that had the worst fit was the aforementioned insert piece that sits
forward of the windscreen. It was just a little wider than the fuselage and I
aligned it as best I could, getting one side basically even and the other side
ended up sticking out a bit. Some sandpaper easily took care of that though
and a little Milliput was used for the rest of the gaps around it and worked
like a charm. Mr. Surfacer was my main filler for the rest of the kit but
overall everything fit dandy well and after a few sessions it wasn't long
before I was done with all the body work. In fact I didn't even use any filler
on the wing roots. The molded in head armor was painted RLM 66 and the cushion
was painted with some Leather both from the Model Master range. Lastly some
seat belts were made from Tamiya tape and the canopy being masked off with
some more of the same was attached and the model was now ready for a trip to
the paint shop.
Originally I'd had in mind to do a 190 from JG 1 in the familiar scheme of
RLM 74, 75 over RLM 76. While looking through a book I came across a FW 190 A5
that was wearing US markings and in a three tone Navy scheme. Once I saw this,
I knew I had to do it, done deal. It's one thing to see an Axis aircraft with
the markings painted over and retaining the original camouflage scheme yet to
see one especially a Luftwaffe bird totally all repainted and in US Navy
colors? Like I said I had to do it. For the rest of the model Gunze Sangyo
acrylic paints were used throughout and H11 Flat White was used first for the
undersides and to prime any seam
areas as well as the landing gear struts,
wheels and gear doors. I used H56 Intermediate Blue next after masking off the
bottom of the model and encountered no problems. The prop spinner was also
painted in the Intermediate Blue color as well. It was hard to discern from
the photographs exactly what color the spinner was but it seemed to match up
with the Intermediate Blue on the sides of the cowling so that's what I used.
H54 Navy Blue was the final color and rather than try and freehand this
with a single action airbrush I decided to try a new method and that was to
use Silly Putty as a mask. I have to thank my good friend Bill Arnold for this
tip as he uses it all the time and has recommended it to me. It took me a
number of tries to get it right with the placement and all but the more you
use it the better you'll become. I simply tore off pieces and rolled them into
"sausages" (or kobasis if you prefer) of equal lengths and thickness and cut
them with a sharp razor blade. The silly putty was like a flexible mask that
you could place just about anywhere you wanted. I'm no "old hand" with it yet
but finally trying it has given me the courage to try it again for future
projects. Once all the painting was done a coat of Future was sprayed on and
allowed to dry before applying the decals. No "decaling" for me, ha! (take
that DG)
There's not much to say about the decals other than it was probably the
easiest part of the whole build. A total of 4 U.S. "stars and bars" were used,
one on each side of the fuselage and one on the upper port wing with one more
on the underneath of the starboard wing. The decals came from an Aeromaster
sheet featuring WW2 US insignia and were a breeze to use working well with
Micro Set & Micro Sol setting solutions. A few hours later with the decals now
dry I wiped down these areas with a damp cloth and then sprayed on another
coat of Future to seal them in. A coat of Testors Acryl clear flat came last
and the masking from the canopy was removed and the model was now almost
The tires and machine guns were painted with Gunze H77 Tire Black and
the landing gear were glued in place, with the main gear doors added last. The
fit of the doors to the legs was a bit violinish (fiddly) and once they were
in place I secured them with a very minute amount of some more super glue. I
had to nip off a good 1/8" or so off the tops of these parts guestimating from
the instructions, there was no clear point at where to cut so it was just a
little at a time, check, nip a little more etc, you get the idea.
The propeller had some deformities to it in the form of some "blisters" on
the fronts of the blades which looked like a molding issue. Since I had
nothing that looked like a possible heir for the Focke Wulfs prop shaft I
would have to settle and use the kit part, gasp! However with a little sanding
and a pinch of salt thrown over my shoulder for good luck as well as some
black paint to hide them they weren't as noticeable as before. Again Gunze
paints were used for the prop and tips. To accent the detail of the cooling
fan area at the front of the cowl I used my home brewed flimflam mans method
of taking a bottle of unstirred flat black acylic paint. If you take some of
the paint from the top of an unshaken bottle ofacrylic paint you'll have a
watery mixture that works almost like a wash and without the mess! A couple
applications of this and I was all done and followed it up by giving myself a
pat on the back at having remembered to use this neat little trick. Ahh it
doesn't take much to make us modelers happy right? The prop was pressed into
place after enlarging the hole for the prop shaft with an Xacto knife and the
spinner glued on immediately afterwards. A hole was drilled in the starboard
wing for the pitot tube which came from a 190 "spares" kit that was given to
me by a friend just after I'd finished the kit (thanks DG) and this was
painted and glued in. A little weathering with some pastels and the model was
now truly complete and I now had a "horse of a different color" Focke Wulf to
add to my collection.
Though this kit may be a little "long in the tooth" for some it still
results into a reasonable facsimile of the original and no doubt looks the
part. Fit of the kit was surprisingly good and trouble free for its age as
well. When I had the opportunity I placed it next to a friends recently
completed new tool Hasegawa FW 190 A5 and you could see the differences
between the two, most notable being in lack of detail and crispness compared
with the newer kit. We do have to remember that there's some near 15-20 years
between the two and that's to be expected. Were I to build another A5 version
down the road I'd go for the newer kit but building this one was an enjoyment
nevertheless and they can be picked up fairly cheap at swap meets and shows.
Wings Of The Luftwaffe by Captain Eric Brown Airlife Publishing
Other reference works from the library of my friend Steve Forster, thank
you Steve!
January 2007
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