This page is dedicated to an evaluation of any model shows you may have attended. The purpose of this is two fold. First, to get an idea of how you as the attendee felt about a specific show and the other is to provide a place for those who organize the show to get some feedback that they normally wouldn't receive. Inputs need to be rational and realistic. (Such as if you didn't win something for your entry, don't whine about how unfair the judges are.) This needs to be a place for creative and helpful criticism.

Basically, there are five categories you should consider:

1.  Preliminary: availability of pre-event materials including flyers and web site materials.

2.  Registration: How logical were the entry forms and how well did the registration go

3.  Venue: How well was the contest/vendor area arranged

4.  Vendors: number and general make-up of who was there.

5.  Comfort: were refreshments, clean rest rooms and places to sit and relax available.

An overall feeling about how things went and other features of the show you found of interest.

Your e-mail address is required so show organizers can contact you if required.

Send your inputs to: only. No inputs prior to 6 September 2003 please.

On to the inputs: