by Julien Dixon
Well this was the “Big One” IPMS UK annual show / competition / spend-a-thon. Held at the Telford Conference Centre November 19th & 20th this year.
There was some initial criticism of IPMS UK as to the lack of details on the website prior to the event. They are having some difficulties with the website and as far as I am concerned there was enough information there for me.
The show operated a policy of letting IPMS members in at 9am and members of the public at 10am. Entry early was a breeze, I did not enter the competition so am unable to confirm how good or bad the registration process was.
Once I had dropped of some stuff at our local IPMS Stand it was time to hit the halls and the vendors. As the event is held at a purpose built convention Centre there is plenty of room, and the centre people endeavor to get everything laid out correctly, with nice wide aisles etc. IPMS Stands and Special Interest Group (SIG) Stands were in the middles and the vendors places around the edges. For those off you who have not been, the whole show actually extends over 3 complete halls of the conference center.
I am unsure of how IPMS UK asks vendors to attend, however they are doing it they seem to get a good balance attending. Major manufactures such as Airfix, Revell were present, major kit retailers such as Hannants and Wonderland Models, were complimented by smaller retailers, and specialist retailers for everything from Books to modeling equipment (every kind imaginable).
First stop for me was the Hannants stand to collect my preorder (cash amount of this withheld to protect the guilty). I had hoped to get there before the crowd, however the stand was already crowded by this time. However it did not take long and then it was time to see what else was available. The Hannants stand seemed to remain crowded all weekend so I think they had a good one!
I feel that special mention should go to the White Ensign Models Team. They had all dressed in Period Naval Uniform for the event, except John who was doing a very good impression of General Patton. They took the time to help a ship novice find the right goods, and with the help of Johns Laptop on Sunday the right Paints needed for a particular model. I particularly like their take on the “Carrier” Bag.
Large quantities of these bags were observed leaving the WEM stand crammed with expensive resin ships and large sheets of PE.
I would also like to thank Blue Max from Prague. The owner was selling very nice Planet Models Resin 1/72 kits for a substantial discount on normal UK prices, and was good enough to keep one back for me as I actually ran out of cash on Saturday!
Taking up most of the space in the centre of the halls were the Local IPMS and Special Interest Group stands. There were a wide variety of kits and themes to these stands all of which were well presented, and generally stand members were available to discuss what was on show. Additionally many stands were selling members kits (often as part of paying to come to this show!) and some good bargains could be had. Some good modeling tips were also exchanged in various conversations.
On to the competition. There were plenty of entries in most of the categories and the standard was very good. Judging of the competition was done on Saturday and took a bit longer than was advertised. However on talking to a good friend who was judging it turns out they were short of people. This seems a bit strange that given the large number present there were very few volunteers. Come on IPMS members, try and help out!
The quality of entries to the competition was first class and I would not have liked to judge some of the classes. Awards were given out later, however I did not attend this so am unsure on the presentations etc.
I thought before going that 2 day would leave me enough time to get all my kits; see all the stands, and meet a few friends with maybe some time left over. However it was a struggle to fit it all into both days. To any modelers thinking of going I would say try to go for both days if you can.
I actually managed to buy in addition to various PE, Resin, Paint and tools; 18 Plastic aircraft kits, 1 resin aircraft kit & 1 resin Armor Kit.
This review sponsored by VISA & Mastercard !