@BuffCon 27 Show report

by John Doerr

The annual BuffCon was another big success for the club. This a tradition from a small club which has a history of top notch shows. The weather was perfect, which a very chancy thing in Western NY in April, which was a big help. The venue and location was the same as been used for years, which provided a level of comfort for the entrants and attendees. The event was well organized, which comes from years of practice and the general comments heard from the participants and attendees was highly favorable.

The number of entries was the same as last year, which meant it was still down compared to several years ago. While the number of entries was still down, the quality seemed to have jumped up, to a level one associates with a regional event. An added bonus was there seemed to be a significant number of new entrants. The attendance was up significantly over last year, as was the number of vendors

The tradition of the show is such that clubs from areas as much as a four drive away always attend. Neighboring clubs helped make the show a success. The Toronto club had a strong showing taking a number of awards including several best in categories. The Three Rivers club did not have as strong as showing as in the past, as did the Rochester club. This was offset by the number of new entrants.

The vendors room was the same as used in the past, with the same lay out. As stated earlier, the number of vendors was up from last year, though everyone seemed to miss the attendance of CRM. Apparently, the vendors venue was a success too, because no complaints were heard from either the vendors or the attendees, and plenty of deals seemed to be found. Several attendees were very pleased at finding OOP kits that they had been looking for, myself included

One thing that helped make the event a success was the facility used had a kitchen. While cooking was not done, food and drink was brought in and made available. This meant it was not necessary to leave the show to get a bite to eat or get a drink. A seating/eating area was set aside in the vendors room.

It is difficult the write in length about a show that has been a traditional success and the contributing factors has been the same for years. While the shows of the past few years have been successful, given the contributing factors of the economy and/or higher fuel prices. This years show is certainly the best in the past couple of years
