Here is the deal. Your images must be between 700 and 950 pixels in the longest dimension. Send along information on the subject such as a short background, specifics on the one in the image, where it was taken, camera used and so on.
There is no guarantee that your image will be used and I'm going to do this no more frequently than once a week, so please don't ask 'where's my picture?' Just send it in and perhaps you'll see it.
Send all images to They must be in .jpg format. If you have a MAC, this may be a problem as often there are compatibility problems with PCs when it comes to images.
As with everything sent to MM, you retain the copyright, but submission gives MM the right to use it in any future endeavors. I'll add a copyright tag to your image should I use it and if you don't have one on it already. I may add more to this as time goes on and thank you for participating.