KITS: | Revell DC-7C and Hasegawa P5M Marlin |
KIT #: | 04242 and JS-063 |
PRICE: | $Both are currently out of production. |
DECALS: | spares and from various sheets |
REVIEWER: | Joe Lyons |
DC-7C Starring Role: Airliner in Distress Over Water
Accident description
Status: |
Final |
Date: |
Time: |
Type: |
Douglas DC-7C |
Operator: |
Northwest Orient Airlines |
Registration: |
N292 |
C/n / msn: |
45462/925 |
First flight: |
1958 |
Total airframe hrs: |
9233 |
Crew: |
Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 7 |
Passengers: |
Fatalities: 1 / Occupants: 51 |
Total: |
Fatalities: 1 / Occupants: 58 |
Airplane damage: |
Written off |
Airplane fate: |
Written off (damaged beyond repair) |
Location: |
8 km (5 mls) NE off |
Phase: |
En route ( |
Nature: |
International Scheduled Passenger |
Departure airport: |
Destination airport: |
Flight number: |
1-11 |
Flight 1-11 arrived at
PROBABLE CAUSE: "The accident was due to the internal failure of No.2 engine,
which resulted in oil contamination, loss of oil supply, subsequent loss of the
No.2 propeller assembly, and fire in flight, which necessitated a ditching."
“…. Search and Rescue (SAR) operations
had begun as soon as Capt. Rail reported losing the #2 prop. Capt. I.G. Cockroft
USN (Ret) then Co of VP-40, recalls being called at about 3:30 am by his duty
officer with the report: “We have a SAR alert sir, a Northwest plane out of
Tokyo reporting losing the number 2 prop…”Skipper, I’ve just launched the SAR in
5 Boat…The DC-7 is on fire and they are going to ditch…All the stops were out
now. The Coast Guard and the Navy have SAR planes airborne within 5 minutes of
At about 0730 hours, LTJG Hite got a message through on the
fleet common high frequency radio as he was out of voice range. ‘Sighted three
rafts in the water, CG landed along side, I am landing now.’ Four minutes later
another message from 5 Boat. ‘Sea state 3 all OK, taking on survivors.
[5 Boat and the CG SA-16 taxied to a lagoon about 20 miles distant – the SA-16 could not take off because of the sea state. 4 Boat, launched earlier, showed up to take the SA-16 survivors; 4 and 5 boats proceeded to Sangley.]
“I landed, proceeded to off load 23 survivors to 4 Boat and took off for Sangley. Fifty minutes later we were on the buoy…5 Boat was right behind. The 42 survivors and one fatality carried by the Marlins were immediately taken to the station hospital.”
Although it was not known in 1960, the
P5M would be the navy’s last ‘P-Boat.’ Great things were expected of the
so-called ‘Seaplane Striking Force’ centered on the P6M Seamaster, with
supporting roles played by the Convair R5Y and Sea Dart. Also in a supporting
role were specialized tenders (including submarines) intended to forward base a
nuclear strike force without having to ask basing permission as SAC did of
foreign governments. But it all went for naught when Martin in simple terms
could not get the P6M to work. For details, see reference c.
The Marlin was initially the World War II R-3350- powered
PBM-6, first cancelled in favor of the R-2800-powered PBM-5 and later
resuscitated post-war with a new hull and massive single vertical tail. 277 were
built in two principal versions. This project replicates the P5M-1; the –2
introduced a modified hull form up forward, and a T-tail. Over the period
1952-1967 VP-40 operated 84 different P5Ms and was the last P-Boat squadron to
be decommissioned in 1967.
The ultimate Douglas Propliner and the
last version of the DC-7.
I decided to use weights in the nose and did so with
flattened fishing sinkers held in place first with CA and then white glue. Most
DC-7Cs had a slightly elongated nose containing weather radar. The kit does not
have this nose, but the NWA DC-7Cs did, so I lightly sanded the nose of both
fuselage halves to make a slot to receive a piece of scrap plastic sheet. Glued
up the halves a bit at a time; removed the upper locating pins to avoid ‘steps’
at the join (unsuccessfully as it turned out). The radar nose was crafted using
putty on the plastic base and shaping by eye with reference to photographs. Sink
marks along the top joint were dealt with using putty. The main entrance door is
provided as a separate part; the baggage compartment door and crew entrance door
are molded in; a little deep but not as bad as early Minicraft airliner kits.
The horizontal tail surfaces were saved for later.
Near perfect fit of the upper/lower halves. An indicator perhaps of molding limitations of the time is the provision of separate wing tips. The nacelles forward of the wings are two-piece affairs with the correct representation of the exhausts (bored out by me) coming from the Power Recovery Turbines that made the engines ‘compound.’ The oil cooler and carb air intakes are molded solid; I bored them out a bit for visual depth. The cowls are separate with virtually no engine detail. This was not a problem for me, since little of the cowl opening is visible once the props are installed. Not much left to tell. The landing gear representation is a bit crude, but the main wheels serve to cover up some of this. Wheel well doors are a bit thick but appear to be accurate in outline; I elected not to replace them. The various antennas are good representations if a bit oversize. Given the good joins, the wings were painted and decaled prior to joining to the fuselage. The horizontal tail is not as clean, so painting was deferred until after the joins, which in turn was deferred awaiting fuselage painting and decaling.
N292’s basic paint scheme was the standard white- over-NMF that had become common for most pressurized airliners of the time. I used Krylon rattle-can gloss white over the entire airframe. I had previously scaled up a copy of Flying Colors NWA DC-6 decals to match the box scale and the enlarged tail of the DC-7C.
So, the fuselage sequence was:
Overall white. Blue cheat line above the Cabin Windows from the homemade decal sheet. Alcad NMF Polished Aluminum for the lower fuselage. ‘Northwest’ from the Flying Colors decal sheet on tail and nose, plus little details (door outlines, etc.). ‘N292’ serial from generic white letter/numeral sheet; American Flags on vertical tail and ‘DC-7C’ from the homemade decals. Red tail from the homemade decal sheet.
Wing sequence:
Overall white. Alcad Polished Aluminum. MM Light Gray for the areas around and aft of the nacelles. American flags on wings from the homemade decal sheet. ‘N292’ serial from generic black letter/numeral sheet
This kit is not up to 1980 standards,
much less today, but it is the only injection-molded kit of this airplane in any
scale. It has the flash and injection pin marks of older kits but remains a
relatively easy build. There are many marking options for 1st
Tier operators of this airplane. I’ve already done a BOAC version through the
‘scale-up decals’ method. The kit provides Pan Am decals, and apparently there
are others in earlier re-issues. Recommended for propliner buffs.
This kit has been around for a while. I got mine through private purchase; everything was in the box except decals but, given (per the instructions) the decals were for French P5Ms, little was lost except some maintenance markings.
The kit represents the P5M-2 (later SP-5B). There are substantial visual differences between the –2 and the –1 that did the amazing rescue. These are the vertical tail and the chine line from the radar aft to about the location of the beaching gear.
The kit tail was sawn
off. The horizontal tail on the –1 was a tad wider than the –2 so the kit part
was sawn in two and brass tubing was used to rejoin them and establish the
correct width. This part was then glued to the top of the fuselage, into a
cutout sanded out to take the piece’s lower surface airfoil shape. A ‘stub’ had
been left in the scratch vertical tail and this anchored this piece between the
two halves of the horizontal tail.
The fin leading edge
is differently shaped than that of the Mercator – this was corrected with pieces
of plastic sheet, much putty, and a piece of the kit leading edge.
The –1 Magnetic
Anomaly Detector was located on the top of the fin (it extended aft of the
T-tail in the –2) in a little pod on top of a short pylon. The pod was shaped
from wooden dowel and the pylon from plastic sheet with a wire mounting. Little
wire circles replicate antennas visible in photos were attached to the forward
end of the pod (I have no idea what they were for).
I stared at many photos trying to decide how to do this
modification and came up with many schemes. I finally began by rough sawing off
the under fuselage pieces along the existing chine line up to the bottom of the
radome. There are two big visual differences; (1) the –2 chine terminates a
distance under the radome and the –1 a bit higher and (2) the ‘secondary chine
of the –2 does not exist on the –1. Much sanding and grinding removed this
latter feature. Removing material aft of the radome and relocating the cutaway
pieces altered the chine line. The reconstruction was based on a new ce
for this part of the hull, established using plastic sheet set into a notch at
the after end of the cutout.
Everything Else This kit is BIG but comparatively simple. The fit ranges from excellent to so-so. The latter issue results in the elimination of some of the very petite raised rivet detail. Postionable wing flaps and cowl flaps are provided, and I elected to use them ‘down’ and ‘open.’ respectively. Mounting slots for the wing pontoons V-struts are provide in the pontoons, but locating holes on the wing are not so these had to be done after figuring out the assembly’s angular relationship to the lower wing. There are little ‘steps’ to be dealt with in various assemblies, notably the radome and the upper fuselage. The outer wing/inner wing joins are tight, so I did not glue them up, making for easier storage and transport
By 1960 overall paint for VP aircraft had evolved from the
post-war Glossy Sea Blue, to overall Glossy Seaplane Gray, to a Gloss White
upper fuselage over the Seaplane Gray. As with the DC-7C things began with a
rattle-can white.
Masking was followed by air brushing Seaplane Gray. Further masking allowed the deicer boots to be painted black.. The propeller-warning stripe was also masked and painted in red. From photos the big radome was done in a variety of styles; I elected the all-white style matching the fuselage.
Decaling was relatively simple – generic national insignia and numbers and letters in black and white, plus some ‘danger’ arrows from a 1:72 Superscale sheet for aircraft of the period. VP-40 aircraft were coded “QE” on the vertical stab and the upper right and lower left wing. The ‘last four’ of the BuNo were under the “QE” on the vertical tail. “4” in black on the nose and in white on the wings. About ½ pint of Future (or so it seemed) was applied overall.
It is unlikely that there ever be another kit of the Marlin-series in this scale, although Minicraft may do it 1:144 one day. The kit has gone in and out of release (currently ‘out’ I believe). There are inevitably fit issues with the big wing-fuselage joint, but not past redemption. Detailing of parts like the beaching gear and engines and cowl are very good of the time, and now for that matter. I recommend this big model, but I’m a fan of P-Boats.
VP-40 SP-5Bs (aka,
P5M-2s) were out and about in the Inactive Ship Facility
inside the Mare Island Naval Shipyard as my current ship went through the
decommissioning process. Currituck was there as well on her way to the reserve
fleet; VP-40’s Marlins were by that time lined up in forlorn rows at
AV-7 was
decommissioned for the last time on
Joe Lyons
February 2009