Thought you might be interested in seeing a relatively simple
way of improving the Monogram 1/72 F-4J cockpit. In a very short time all I did
was file away the floor, continue the cleanup from the resulting holes by
filing away the seat bottoms and ejection rails with a needle file, rebuild the
walls and floor, and add the pilot's stick mount. The seats will be from
True Details. The entire process took only about two hours, and I work
relatively slowly. The tub was started this morning and is now painted in dark
gull gray, soon to be completed with lots of painting details.
Here it is...the tub is finished and ready for the instrument panels...shown is one photo b4 painting with the control stick mount reinstalled on the reconstructed floor, and the second image is the painted tub with the left RIO wall installed plus an unpainted True Details seat in the front office for effect. All surpisingly simple...and quick!
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