1/48 P-61
Black Widows: Revell-Monogram or Great Wall Hobby?
years, I’ve
wished for a brand new
tool 1/48 P-61.
I was pretty excited
when AMtech Models announced plans for such a kit back in 2002 but shortly
afterwards they went kaput. An unsubstantiated rumor was going around back then,
that the Asian kit manufacturer AMtech contracted with to produce their new P-61
supposedly ended up with the plans and test molds (This rumor is apparently
just that as discussions with AMtech's previous owner revealed that the P-61 was
barely in the planning stage when AMtech's owner had a near death accident,
causing the company to fold. Ed).
Just as I was about to dig into my second Revell-Monogram Widow build a
few months ago,
along comes Great
Wall Hobby’s all new tool 1/48th P-61A. A wish come true!
I immediately ordered one from a
Ok. Which
kit is better?
There’s no argument.
The GWH new tool blows the clumsy and ill fitting but still fun to build Revell
kit out of the water. (Check out MM’s
the GWH and Revell parts side by side, I bet you GWH copied Revell’s kit
precisely and then re-CAD it with major and welcome changes.
For one thing, the majority of parts in both kits are mirror measurements
of each other.
Locator pins aside,
(GWH did put them in different
you can mate GHW’s top wing
to Revell’s bottom wing, for example,
and it’s a perfect fit.
some comparison photos I shot of
Great Wall Hobby and Revell-Monogram P-61 Black Widow in 1/48th
scale. I gave the Revell black sprues a quick spray of Tamiya primer gray.
The GWH pitot mast is molded to the nose at the correct angle and thickness, so be extra careful not to snap it off! Both the GWH and Monogram noses are interchangeable and fit on each other's kit.
Yes. The
GWH cowl ring opening is too small but easily fixed with sandpaper wrapped
around a tapered dowel etc. Hopefully, GWH will address this error soon. The Modelshack resin cowlings are j
one of several expensive aftermarket replacement cowl sets available, all priced higher than the cost of the Revell
kit. The Modelshack cowl flaps need to be
thinned and “opened up” which takes a chunk of time. Unlike the other
two, these have no noticeable rivet detailing. However, when I hold my Modelshack
cowlings up to a light I can see that some rivets are ever so faintly there.
Vector prop is a five piece resin assembly. The current batch of aftermarket
P-61 spinner decals out there have all been designed for the Revell-Monogram
kit. They do not fit the GWH or Vector spinners, but….if
you’re good with a paintbrush or can make your own, no problem.
Big differences when it comes to these P-61 wheels. Sanding off the middle seam of the GWH tires means “good bye tread pattern!” True Details’ wheels have great looking treads and hub details but the tires always look to me like they are about to go flat thanks to that overdone “bulge”.
fuselage halves are identical in measurement.
There are a myriad of ejector pin marks on the inside of the GWH part. However, little of that will be seen once the kit is built and they are easy enough to remove for those who wish to spend the time doing so.
The wings
in both kits are darned near identical in shape and fit. Just for yuks, you can
mate the GWH upper wing to the Revell-Monogram bottom wing with no problem if
you so desire.
Revell-Monogram P-61 canopies have always been a pain in the rear. Bad fit
aside, the brittle, chunky clear styrene makes them a real challenge to clean
The Monogram canopy I have has a blemish that will be almost impossible to
sand down without damaging the
surrounding detail. It’s best to keep the Revell hatch in the open position as
it doesn’t fit closed without using superglue and squeezing the sides of the
bottom canopy closer together and saying a prayer. Even if you get it to fit,
you will have to deal with a 1/16 inch gap in the rear of the hatch where it’s
supposed to flush up to the bottom canopy piece. Not so with GWH. The detail on
the GWH canopy is crisp, crystal clear and accurate looking. The plastic is
noticeably thinner and the fit is awesome. Interestingly enough, the top hatches
from both kits are precisely the same
size. Coincidence or not?
I leave
it up to you.
In the
meantime, I sent my Revell-Monogram P-61 kit back to the
“To Do!” bin and moved the Great Wall Hobby new tool to the top of
the “Next!”pile.