FLIGHT - Article and all
models by:
Tom Cleaver
Thirty-four-and-a-half years ago, on the evening of July 20, 1969, I sat
in my in-laws’ living room and watched an event I had been waiting for
since I first read a Heinlein novel. The picture on screen was
primitive, black-and-white, not even up to the level of a Kinescope, yet
it was recording one of the most important events in human history. I
looked over at my Grandmother-in-Law, who was 76. As we watched Neil
Armstrong take “one small step for a man - one giant leap for mankind,”
what she remembered was reading the first news of the Wright Brothers’
flight as a girl of 10. Consider: within the lifetime of a single human
being, we had gone from our first tentative step off the ground to our
first tentative step off the planet, events separated by only 65 and a
half years. Never in six thousand years of recorded history has time
moved so quickly. A Roman from the time of Caesar Augustus could have
made sense of the world my grandmother-in-law was born into; the world we
sat in that night 66 years later would have been completely
unintelligible to that same Roman. One hundred
years ago today, December 17, 1903, a fragile, ungainly machine piloted
by Orville Wright flew a distance of 120 feet, remaining aloft with
full control about all three axes of flight (which is why the Wrights
are the fathers of flight) for a total of 12 seconds. Over the course of
the day they took turns as pilot for short hops, with the last - at 852
feet in 59 seconds - the longest. Shortly after the fourth landing, a
gust of wind caught the flimsy craft and flipped it over; the crank case
shattered and the engine jerked loose. The active career of the 1903
Flyer had come to an end with less than two minutes of flight time.
Humanity would never be the same. In that time, the wing joined the sail
and wheel as a prime mover of people and things. Within a lifetime, the
new invention would change the way we think and act, work and play, the
very way we live on the earth and view ourselves as humans. December 17,
1903, is a date that is as profound to human history as the unknown date
the first human lit a controlled fire. While the
Wrights recognized the significance of what they had done, the actual
experience was not as thrilling as they had dreamed it would be. And
they did not foresee what their invention would become. In 1909, Wilbur
ruled out the possibility of transatlantic flight and dismissed the
thought of airplanes hauling cargo. A year later, Orville told a reporter
that the airplane would never take the place of trains or steamships for
the carrying of passengers. Today, all of those events are so commonplace
we pay no attention to them. While the
Wrights had hoped that aviation would bring the world, it is
unfortunately true that the mainspring of aeronautical development has
been found in wars and the threat of wars. When the specification for an
airplane requires the maximum performance possible at the time of the
design, this advances the state of the art. The jet engine and the
35-degree swept wing which have made worldwide air transport possible
came as the result of research to create warplanes; the first large
swept-wing multi-engine jet was a bomber - the B-47. So it has been
through the past 89 years of this century of flight. With those
thoughts in mind, and having gone through a collection of 300 models,
here is a list of airplanes from the first half of this century of
flight, that I as an aviation historian think are significant, and why I
think they are. My standard for including them is that the particular
type advanced the state of aeronautics with its existence. For modelers,
these are significant airplanes for which a good kit exists in 1/48 (my
scale of choice), that you can build a good model from. Thus, for
instance, the Bf-109 - which was a good lesson in what not to do
aeronautically (wings, landing gear, aileron balance, rudder trim) and
wasn’t capable of further effective improvement past the middle of its
development cycle, won’t be found here, while the Spitfire - which had
the highest limiting Mach number of any piston-engine fighter and was
technologically significant, as well as being capable of effective
development to the end of its line - will be. I will agree
with anyone who questions the fact that the DC-3, B-17 or the B-29 are
found on this list; the reason is, they’re not in my collection right now
(though I have built all three) - my big models tend to quickly fly out
to Planes of Fame, where there’s room and the visitors like big models.
With regard to more modern aircraft developed after 1953, I plead guilty
that many of them simply don’t interest me as a modeler, though I agree
many of them deserve to be on the list. As is always the
case with lists like this, “your mileage may vary.” TC’S
important military use of the airplane was to put an observer high enough
to see what was going on “on the other side of the hill.” This was
shortly followed by the ability to drop explosives on the other side of
that hill. The first airplane designed for observation and bombing that
was not completely at the mercy of the defensive forces of the other side
was the deHavilland D.H.4. The first light bomber/reconnaissance type
that could depend on speed as its first line of defense, the D.H.4
presaged such later designs as the Mosquito, the Boeing B-47, and the
contemporary Panavia Tornado. Built during the First World War in large
numbers, the American version of the D.H.4 became one of the prime
workhorses in the development of early commercial aviation in North
America. The best kit
available of the D.H.4 is that from Blue Max, which was released earlier
this year. The kit is accurate, and - for both a World War I model and a
product from this limited-run company - it is comparatively speaking easy
to build.
The best
airplane to emerge from the war in terms of technological development was
the Fokker D.VII, which utilized internally-braced wings and a metal
fuselage frame rather than the externally-braced system of wood that all
other aircraft of the period used. While the D.VII had little effect on
further military aircraft development, Anthony Fokker would use the
information obtain Right now, the
best Fokker D.VII in 1/48 is the new release from Roden. While not easy
to build, it results in an accurate model of this famous airplane. Also
good if you can find it without having to pay kit collectors’ prices is
the D.VII by DML. Aviation went
through a technological revolution in mid-1930s and the period leading up
to the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, and then in the years
following during the first half of the war. Nowhere was this more
apparent than in the development of single-engine, single-seat fighters.
The three best of this period were the Spitfire, the Focke-Wulf Fw-190,
and the P-51 Mustang. While the
revolution sparked by the Albatros D.I lasted 20 years, that sparked by
the monoplanes that appeared after 1935 would last less than a decade,
such was the pace of technological change by then.
various companies, a modeler can now include in their collection one each
of every significant version of the Spitfire; with aftermarket sets and
decals, it is even possible to include the lesser-known sub-types. The
Merlin-60 series of Spitfires from ICM, while challenging, result in
excellent models after the investment of some effort.
I will mention
here the DML series of Fw-190s that allow the modeler to make almost all
the major sub-types from the Fw-190A-4 to the Ta-152H. The kits can be
as challenging as an ICM Spitfire to build right, but the results will be
The P-51 is
best served of all with kits from Tamiya of the P-51B and P-51D that are
among the best plastic kits ever made, period. Naval warfare
has seen the development of aircraft which are very different from their
land-based contemporaries. Because of the weight penalties incurred from
having to build an airframe capable of withstanding the shock of landing
on and taking off of a ship at sea, naval aircraft were deemed through
most of their early development to always be at a disadvantage over their
land-based opponents. Two aircraft changed that forever.
Hasegawa “owns”
the Zero in 1/48, with excellent kits of every sub-type of this fighter.
The kits are accurate and easy to build, with excellent results.
Tamiya’s early series Corsairs, and Hasegawa’s late series U-birds, it is
possible for a modeler to include in their collection every sub-type made
of this important airplane.
Technologically, the most significant airplane of the Second World War
was the Messerschmitt Me-262, the first operational jet airplane. Not
only did it introduce the jet engine, but also the slatted swept
Both the DML
and Tamiya Me-262 kits build up into equally-impressive models, with
Tamiya’s getting the nod on “buildability.” The immediate
result of the Me-262 was the North American F-86 Sabre, which would not
have existed had the North American engineers with Operation Paperclip
not obtained Messerschmitt’s paperwork on high speed aircraft
development. The extra 18 months it took the company to turn a
first-generation jet design of modest performance into the best airplane
of the second generation of jet aircraft would make all the difference in
the world within two years of the first flight of their creation. Not
only did they demonstrate the correctness of Messerschmitt’s research,
they also created what is likely the first supersonic airplane in the
world if one gives credence to the many reports that North American test
Both Hasegawa
and Academy have produced good kits of the definitive F-86 day fighter,
the F-86F. Using aftermarket sets, it is possible to create the F-86A
and F-86E; I hope we will see the first Sabres in kit form in the near
future. ProModeler has released an excellent kit of the most-produced
single version of the Sabre, the F-86D all-weather interceptor. In conclusion,
while many aircraft are designed and produced, few are truly influential,
changing the course of later development as a result of their existence.
Without the existence of these types developed during the first
half-century of flight, aviation would have been far different than it
has turned out to be today. Editors Note:
Normally I don't like to use thumbnails in an article, but without using
them, I'd not have been able to include all the images in this article.
) Once aircraft
were used offensively to see over the hill, it became important to deny
that capability to an opponent, which led to the development of the
single-seat scout, later called the fighter. The first “modern” fighter
was the Albatros series. The airplane introduced a high-powered engine,
and twin machine gun armament; all other fighters until the monoplane
revolution just before the Second World War would differ from the
Albatros only in detail. The Albatros was so good that it completely
turned around the fortunes of the German Air Service following its
introduction, and maintained that position until development fatally
flawed the series wit the D.V.
A complete
line of the Albatros fighters - the D.I/II, the D.III, the D.V/D.Va and
the W.4 seaplane - are available in 1/48 scale from Eduard and are among
the best kits released by that company.
ed from the D.VII after the war to create aircraft that
significantly advanced commercial aviation around the world until one of
them ended up in pieces in Stewart Baker’s wheat field near Bazar,
Kansas, on March 31, 1931, with the legendary Notre Dame football coach,
Knute Rockne, among the dead.
Of the
fighters designed before the war, the Spitfire - the product of ten years
of cutting-edge technical development of the Schneider Cup Trophy racers
- was the most advanced. Its thin wing gave it the highest limiting Mach
number of any piston-engine airplane used during the war. It was
supremely capable of further development. The Spitfire 24, last of the
line, had two-and-a-half times the power of the original, was over 100
m.p.h. faster, and carried an armament that was three times as heavy as
the original. The Spitfire was in the first rank of its technical
contemporaries at the beginning and at the end. This cannot be said of
any of the other fighters developed in the period.
The Fw-190 was
so good, it transformed air warfare upon its introduction to combat in a
way not seen since the introduction of the Albatros D.II over the Somme
Front in 1916. It allowed the Germans to maintain air superiority over
northwestern Europe until they were overwhelmed by sheer numbers. The
airplane was so good that it influenced its design competitors
immediately - the Hawker Tempest series and the Grumman Bearcat (designed
Robert Hall flew an Fw-190) are both variations on the theme first
introduced by Kurt Tank.
While a fighter
is in its essence a defensive weapon, it became crucial during the war to
be able to project the defensive capabilities of the fighter over
strategic distances, so that it could overwhelm the enemy’s fighter
defenses. The P-51 Mustang was the airplane that was able to do this.
In its Merlin-powered versions, the airplane combined the best aero
engine of its generation with the best airframe. It was the P-51 that
literally made possible the liberation of Europe from the Nazis, as
pilots flying Mustangs out of England broke the back of the Luftwaffe in
the spring of 1944, allowing the Allies
to invade Europe that June under
conditions of air supremacy necessary for blitzkrieg warfare.
The Mitsubishi
Zero, which entered service in 1940, was the first carrier-based fighter
that was at least the equal of if not superior to its opponents.
Unfortunately for the Zero, this capability was obtained at the cost of
creating an airframe without a lot of “stretch” for further development,
and within a year of its introduction to combat the Zero was bested by
its opponents.
The Zero was
bested by the first carrier fighter to be superior than its land-based
opponents, the Chance-Vought Corsair series, which became the fighter
backbone of the US Navy and Marine Corps in the Pacific War, and went on
to become one of the few aircraft of that period to fight in more than
one war, flying on into the jet age when it was considered obsolete yet
still gave sterling service in Korea. The Corsair established a tradition
of carrier fighter superiority
was carried on through the F-8 Crusader, the F-4 Phantom and today’s F-14
wing -
if you think that isn’t important, look out the window during landing the
next time you fly from here to there in a jet airliner: you’ll see the
wing of the Me-262 in operation.
George Welch exceeded Mach 1 in a dive on the first flight of the
prototype, a full two weeks before Yeager flew the Bell X-1 into the
record books. The F-86 went on to establish a war record the equal of
its progenitor, the P-51, in its ability to project fighter power over useful distances, and to serve with air forces around the world.