Sheet: |
AML 72-020/21; Americans in Stalin's Sky |
Units: | See Review |
Price |
$ |
Reviewer: |
I received these decals recently, and they looked so good that I felt that they should receive some publicity, especially since they are of subjects not often seen in this country.
These are products of AML, in the Czech Republic, and have instructions in both Czech and English.
During World War II, or the “Great Patriotic War”, as
it was known in the Soviet Union, many thousands of airplanes, trucks, and
tanks, and vast quantities of other military and economic supplies were sent to
the Soviets under Lend-Lease. Many Americans and other Allied personnel risked,
and gave, their lives to get the convoys through to Murmansk, or to deliver the
aircraft through Iran and other ports. The American aid, and to a lesser
extent, British aid, was helpful
in turnin
g the tide against the
Germans. Countless firsthand accounts by surviving German participants are
consistent in stating that they were amazed at the number of American vehicles
and aircraft encountered by their forces.
These decal sheets provide markings and insignia for a number of Lend-Lease aircraft operated by the Russians during the war.
Sheet 72-020 provides markings for four aircraft:
P-P-47D-10-RE, AF 42-75202, NII VVS, operating near Moscow, Summer, 1944.
Ex RAF Mustang Mk. I, AG348, NII VVS, operating near Moscow, Summer, 1942
Ex RAF Aircobra Mk. 1, AH636, 19 GAP, Karalian Front, February, 1942
P-39N, Capt. N.J. Proshenkov, 69 GIAP, June, 1945.
72-021 provides markings for five aircraft:
P-47D-27-RE, 42-27062, awaiting delivery, 1944
P-39N, White 21, Capt. Shikunov, 69 GIAP, 23 kills, June, 1945
P-47D-27-RE, Silver 23, 255 IAP, Northern Front, Vaenga Airfield, Winter, 1945
P-39N, Maj. V.F. Sirotin, 17 IAP, 21 kills, Spring, 1945
P-47D-27-RE, White 39m 255 IAP, Northern Fleet, Vaenga 1 Airfield, Winter, 1945.
These decals appear to be suitably thin and of very good quality. They are on register, with nothing out of line. Basic insignia and personal markings are provided, but no maintenance stencils are given, probably because these were painted out, as most Russian ground crews probably couldn’t read English.
In addition to the decals, each envelope contains a standard sized instruction sheet which gives a series of excellent color drawings of the aircraft in question. In addition to TWO side views, top and bottom views are included, so there is no question as to where a particular decal goes. A list of colors is shown on one of the sheets, and this provides Humbrol, Gunze, Lift Color, Agama, and FS color standards.
As an added bonus, each envelope also contains a small postage stamp sized photo etch sheet containing two sets of brass seat belts> These are identical for both decal sets, but should be useful in detailing the cockpits of these aircraft.
I can’t wait to start one of these aircraft so I can try these out. I’m sure that I will be highly satisfied with these decals. Company web site is
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