Cut then add 1/72 AJ Savage

SHEET #: 30
PRICE: $16.00

The Serbian firm, cut then add (CtA), has released a sheet of 1/72 decals for the North American AJ
Savage, The decals don't indicate which kits are recommended, but I assume the Roden, Anigrand, and
even the prehistoric Airmodel vacuform kits are appropriate. The decals provide one set of national
insignia, one set of walkway markings, one set of stencils, one set of branch (NAVY) identifiers, and one
set of personal markings. The other decals are for the individual tail codes, serial numbers, and modex
numbers for the five schemes provided. All of the aircraft in the schemes provided are painted Gloss Sea

The schemes are:
AJ-1 of VC-5 “Savage Sons” , USS Coral Sea. April, 1950. This aircraft has a white painted canopy frame
and no prop spinners.
AJ-1 of VC-6 “Fleurs” , USS Kearsarge, July, 1952. This aircraft has “ichi ban!” in white script on both
sides of the forward fuselage and white prop spinners. Note: This scheme duplicates one of the decal
options in the Roden kit.
AJ-1 of VC-9 “Hooters”, USS Champlain, January, 1956. This aircraft has yellow prop spinners.
AJ-2 of VC-7 “ Peacemakers”, USS Champlain, December, 1955. This aircraft has medium blue prop
AJ-2P of VC-61, USS Hornet, August 1955. This aircraft has yellow prop spinners.

The package includes complete decal placement and painting instructions for the schemes provided.
Note: the painting instructions call for a different FS 595 number than what is usually referenced out for
Gloss Sea Blue. The decals themselves appear to be thin, opaque, crisply printed, and in perfect register.
Cut then add offers a nice selection of 1/72 and 1/48 decals for aircraft subjects that aren't usually featured
on aftermarket decal sheets. I like the fact that many of their sheets feature multiple aircraft types much
like the much missed Wolfpak decals used to do. Recommended

Rob Hart

March 2025

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