Speed Hunter Graphics 48-016: Export Vipers
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$20.99 or so |
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SHG has
added another F-16 decal sheet to its catalog, this time covering 8 aircraft
from 7 other nations that operate the venerable F-16. The decals are sized for
the Tamiya kit. Several schemes have either a tail band or large tail art that
might or might not fit well on other F-16 kits. I have not tried myself.
The aircraft depicted on the sheet covers a mix of 5 different blocks of the F-16A & C to include the General Electric & Pratt & Whitney engines, small & bigmouth intakes, standard and para-brake tails, exterior reinforcing plates, and the nose mounted IFF “bird slicer” antennas.
The instruction sheet gives a short narrative of each aircraft covered, any special color callouts and physical details unique to each one. There are three full A5 sized instruction sheets in full color, along with a stencil-marking guide. The single decal sheet is very close to an A5 sized sheet.
possible to build several of the aircraft from this one sheet without having to
raid your spare decal box. While there are only two sets of walkway striping
decals provided, not all of the aircraft have the stripes to begin with. The
rescue data stenciling has been provided for all eight aircraft. The national
insignias are all there, but only one set of Turkish AF roundels & flags has
been provided.
The subjects covered are:
F-16C Blk 40 of the Royal Bahrain Air Force in overall dark ghost with a neutral gray vertical tail, with the IFF bird slicers on the nose.
F-16C Blk 50 of the Hellenic AF. A special 60th Anniversary scheme was applied to both sides of the vertical tail for 2014.
F-16C Blk 25 of the Indonesian Air Force. Blue/green camo over light ghost gray scheme. P&W engine with smallmouth intake.
F-16C Blk 52 of the Iraqi AF. Balad AB, brand new aircraft. P&W engine with smallmouth intake with para-brake housing at the base of the vertical tail.
F-16A Blk 15 of the Romanian AF with Mid Life Upgrade (MLU). P&W engine with smallmouth intake. Could not find the color callouts anywhere on the sheet for this jet.
F-16C Blk 50 of the Turkish AF. This aircraft is credited with an aerial victory against a Syrian MiG-23. GE engine with bigmouth intake and para-brake tail housing.
F-16C Blk 52+ of the Polish AF. Specially marked for the 2013 NATO Tiger Meet. P&W engine with smallmouth intake, & para-brake tail.
F-16C Blk 40 of the Turkish AF. GE engine, bigmouth intake, all 10 external reinforcing plates common to USAF blk 40s, special nose art to signify two year long repair period after landing mishap.
A recommended sheet for Viper lovers looking for something different.
April 2020
Copyright ModelingMadness.com
Review courtesy of my wallet.
April 2020
Copyright ModelingMadness.com
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