Schiffer's Kaman H-43

Author: Wayne Mitza
PUBLISHER: Schiffer Publishing
PRICE: $19.95 SRP
NOTES: Soft bound, 112 pages,  ISBN 978-0-764305290

Per the title, this book is an illustrated history of the Kaman “Huskie” family of helicopters. Starting with the piston engine variants developed for the U.S. Navy and Marines in the early 1950s, the book progresses chronologically through the turbine engine versions that became the USAF's primary short range rescue helicopters in the 1960s. Although the bulk of the book is made up of excellent black and white and color photos, the limited text provides former aircrew recollections, interesting anecdotes about the type's service history, and descriptions of it's shortcomings (difficult to fly, short range, and a propensity for the rotor blades to strike the tail planes to name a few). The short range (rescue fights into North Vietnam could only be completed by HH-43s landing to refuel at Lima sites located along the route) would eventually lead to the machine's retirement from the U.S. Military and it's replacement by newer and longer ranged helicopters in the early 1970s.

Although not specifically a reference book for modelers, the many photos are large enough to display a wealth of details. A useful inclusion is a drawing from a USAF T.O. used as a guide for applying the tri-color SEA camouflage. One thing that is not in the book and I would have liked are “ walk around” photos of one of the survivors listed in chapter 12. Granted many of them appear to be the worse for wear, but some look to be fairly complete. Nevertheless, the book is informative and interesting and I recommend it for helicopter enthusiasts in general and “Huskie” fans in general.

Rob Hart

May 2024

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