French Magazine Special Chetchenia |
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Histoire &
Collections $19.75 |
Once again it is published in French, which
is great pity but since I have a translator on my computer I can get by.
It is A4 portrait in format and its 82 pages are full of useful and interesting colour photographs of the Russian involvement in Chetchenia. Within its pages it has 175 colour photographs and 5 coloured maps and one chart.
Since for the majority of the world English is the language used by historians, researchers, and model makers. This book's value is in the exception quality and clarity of the photographs.
It was only by carefully checking the photographs and cross-referencing them I was able to identify 30 individual types of Battle Vest and 25 uniform patterns. Little wonder the Russians have supply problems and even within a troop it is possible to see several different camouflage uniforms and battle vests being worn.
The photographs reminded me very much of the American involvement in Vietnam, it would seem the Russians have found their very own and on their own doorstep.
The detail for figure painters and sculptors is outstanding, also for those who build dioramas.
One thing that struck me when examining the photographs closely was the apparent lack of discipline with the soldiers. Sloppy attitudes to dress and especially the area surrounding the gun sites. A British artillery man ESP a Sergeant major would have a fit. Ammo stored on the muddy ground in the open and boxes strewn all over the place. Little wonder the Russians are not winning. The sites are littered with debris of all sorts no attempt at keeping them clean.
Many photographs show troops riding on the outside of armoured vehicles.
Why have armoured vehicle and then ride on top, is it that the vehicles are a death traps if you stay inside? Or is it doctrine left over from the Tank riders of WW2.
One photograph above all else answers a question that has been puzzling modellers for many a long hour, mine and others inquiries on the Internet Forums; just how is the ZSU-23-3 Anti aircraft gun mounted onto a MTLB or BRDM hull top? The answer is in the book but you will have to buy it to find out.
If you are building modern Russian tanks and Armoured vehicles and adding figures to set them in dioramas then this is the book for you.
Every photograph tells a story, buy it and use it. I know I will keep referring to it many time over.
I recommend this book very highly to all figure painter, sculptors, and diorama builders.
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