Czech Tigers in Detail |
BY: |
Petr Soukop |
Wings and Wheels Press |
This is published in the usual landscape
format on very good, high quality gloss paper. It has 86 pages crammed full of
high quality colour photographs Text is as usual now in English.
In total there are 460 crammed into this book, they cover not only the Tiger markings but also types and styles of numbering and squadron markings as well.
Unlike the normal books in this publisher's prolific series this deals with an unusual individual subject ie Tiger Patterns painted on the various types of Aircraft in Czech service.
The aircraft covered are as follows, L-29, L-39c, L-39ZA, L-39MS, Mig- 21 series, Mig -23 series, Mig -29 series, Su -22 series, Su-25 series, Helicopters Mi -24 series, Mi -8 series, Mi -17 series, Mi-2, An -26 and one car the Trabant.
No detail however small is missed in this book; it really is a masterpiece of research and dedication to the subject.
Any model maker and researcher who wish to build or research into the Czech Squadrons and their markings and their highly stylistic artwork. This is has to be the book for them.
As a result of this book I can see lots of models being entered in competitions and all rightly based on this book.
I can also see the after market decal manufacturers using this book as a standard reference book
On such an unusual subject I congratulate the authors on a job well done. The long hours of work and dedications really show in the finished work.
It rightly deserves a place on any aircraft modeller's shelf.
Go out and buy your copy now, many thanks to Franti for the advance copy for review.
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