Title: |
Beep in Detail |
Author: |
Frantisek Koran and Jan Mostek |
Publisher |
Price |
@$20.00 |
Reviewer: |
Notes: | ISBN 80-86416-30-5 |
The book under review is
the New Title “Beep in Detail ” subtitled Dodge Big Jeeps WC-51 and WC -52
Special Museum Line Red Series No 28 from Wings and Wheels publications.
All the captions and history are in English.
This new title follows on in the series of excellent books on a single subject; it has within its 72 pages 205 full colour photographs of superb quality.
The book is split into the following sections: the History of the vehicle and photos of the WC-51 1942 model from page 1-5 then WC-52 1942 from pages 6-13.
The next section is close up details of the headlights, winch and bonnet etc. Pages 14-21
Page 15- 29 it is packed with close up detailed of the engine in situ and having been restored to factory finish on a maintenance trolley.
Pages 30-39 areas covered the seats, dashboard and close up details of the windscreen and wiper motors etc. Note is made in the captions about the early style bucket seats.
Pages 40- 45 cover the cargo body area.
Pages 46 – 69 the areas covered are those that normally a model maker would not be able to see, the underside of the chassis and the front wings etc.
The last pages give two photos of the Dodge T212 and the post war M37, lastly the various differences in the body styles over the production years is covered in coloured illustrations along with the chassis numbers noted when the changes were made.
Conclusions for those interested in building one of the wealth of kits now available on this vehicle in all scales, you cannot afford not to have this book at the side of your model table when building one. You could if you so wanted build a model of an actual reconstruction or restoration based on a single photograph and know it is going to be 100% correct
Even if you just want a superb model then this going to of the greatest help. The true potential is for the scratch builders and this book is a must have if you are to place a show stopper on the comps tables.
For those lucky enough to be able to afford one to restore than this is going to be their main reference to fallback on when they have a problem.
To be fair to the authors it is hard to pick out one section above all the rest, but push comes to shove then I have to single out the section from pages 55 -69 the Restoration, this section is worth the price of the book alone all the rest is a very big bonus. Congratulations to both Franti and Jan for a job well done and bringing us the model maker and restores such a wealth of information in one single volume.
For the American readers who like marks out of 10, I give presentation 10 out of 10, overall read 10, reference quality 10 and photographic content and presentation 10
I recommend you go out and order your copy now; for this like the previous title the Jeep book is gong to be a best seller.
Many Thanks to Franti for the advance copy for review.
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