Vampire et Mistral Français Volume 1
Author/Artists: |
Sébastien Guillemin, Claude Petit, Patrick Vinot Préfontaine |
Publisher |
Edition Lela Presse |
Price |
59.00 Euros + p/p from Lela presse |
Reviewer: |
Notes: |
380 pages,
softcover, 8.2 x 11.6 inches french language |
the second war, the countries of the new alliance had to rearm their forces. On
aviation side, the pistons and the propellers were of another age for the
fighter planes. Very quickly the French government turns to England. Other
countries will do the same thing and the De Havilland Vampire (DH 100) landed in
many countries. in France, 140 aircrafts are delivered and 187 aircrafts are
built in France. The Vampire's name was changed, now it's "the Mistral". 247 new
models left from the workshops....the new jet’s age began from this « little
jet ».This important and interesting story was not covered for the public
readers. A special edition was printed in b/w format in 1980 from an associated
club called « Le Trait-d’Union », a french branch from Air-Britain. (the book is
out of stock).A french magasine called « le fanatique de l’aviation » printed
the story from march to october 1980 (issues 124-131).The subject is reborn.The
first reference is the basement; it has been reworked and up dated.Now,this is
the chapters you’ll find and read :
Chapter 1 titled Historical,84 pages with 121 b/w and 27 color pictures.all types and countries are displayed (33 differents countried used this important aircraft).the last 64 pages deals with the french area ; the 2 differents types aircrafts ; the speed records,meetings,races,acrobatics teams,operationnal systems.
Chapter 2 : titled Tecchnical aircraft, 28 pages with
40 b/w and 5 color pictures. the general zones are displayed ; 3 differents
cockpits, wheels,wings,ejection seat(type Mistral),panels access
numbers,armaments,engines.Clevery, some useful technicals maintenance drawings
from the manufacturor are very precious for the modellers. The 1/72 scale
aircraft drawings complete very well this study section.
Chapter3 titled Vampire and Mistral units, 197 pages 431 b/w and 24 color pictures printed.This part,that’s the reason being of the book.33 color profils (1/36 scale) have been’ll discover the dailies’s routines from 5 squadrons :squadron2 (Cigognes-Alsace-Côte d’or-coq hardi) squadron3 (Navarre-Champagne) squadron4 (Dauphiné-La Fayette-Flandres-Ardennes) squadron5 (Vendée-Ile de France-Comtat Venaissin).
Chapter 4 titled appendices, 40 pages 29 b/w and 13 color pictures. Some differents options used are displayed , the jet deviator, ski gears, turbo engine…Very usefull, the pilot’s outfit (in color) is displayed.At the end, 39 pages are used for the historic’s tables for each aircrafts who flown in France.
Summary, this « bible » is well welcome. Clear, precise , very documented.
As written, this is the first volume for this giant’ll analys and display the volume2 when it’ll be printed.
This is another excellent addition to a line series and one that I strongest recommend to both the historian and modeler alike.
June 2020
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Review book courtesy of Lela Presse where you can order your copy at this link .
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