Encyclopédie Des avions de BOMBARDEMENT FRANÇAIS 1939-1942
AUTHOR: | Luc Vangansbeke Loic Becker |
PRICE: | 44.90 Euros |
PUBLISHER: | Caraktère presse & éditions |
REVIEWER: | Jean-Paul Poisseroux |
191pages, 232 B/W pictures,54 color profils,14
drawings hardcover, 8.2 x 11.6 inches french language ISBN: 978-2-916403-29-8 |
publisher Caraktere has added a new title to its catalog, in the aviation
section. After the "Encyclopedia of French combat aircraft 1939-1942", the
types of French bombers complete the study on this particular air force.
Before this new book, a similar subject had been covered in 2003 by the
publisher of Squadron Signal. The book was a small fasicule; only 49 pages
with 103 photos and 10 profiles around 8 different planes.
This encyclopedia contains 17 bomber folders.
Folder 1- Amiot 143 : 10 pages,12 pictures,3 profils,1 drawing
Folder 2 - Amiot 350 : 11 pages,13 pictures,2 profils,1 drawing
Folder 3 - MB 175 : 12 pages,17 pictures,2 profils,1 drawing
Folder 4 - MB 200 : 9 pages,17 pictures,3 profils, no drawing
Folder 5 - MB 210 : 10 pages,13 pictures,3 profils,1 drawing
6 - Breguet 691-695 : 11 pages,17 pictures,4 profils,1 drawing
Folder 7 - Douglas DB7 : 16 pages,20 pictures,4 profils,1 drawing
Folder 8 - Farman 222 : 10 pages,15 pictures,2 profils,1 drawing
Folder 9 - Farman 223.3 : 7 pages,10 pictures,1 profils, no drawing
Folder 10 - Farman 223.4 : 8 pages,8 pictures,2 profils,1 drawing
Folder 11- Leo H 257-258 : 7 pages,7 pictures,0 profils,1 drawing
Folder 12 - Leo 451 : 16 pages, 22 pictures,7 profils,1 drawing
Folder 13 - L-Nieuport 401-411 : 9 pages,9 pictures,2 profils,1 drawing
Folder 14 - Martin 167 F : 27 pages,35 pictures,16 profils,1 drawing
Folder 15 - Potez 633 : 8 pages,9 pictures, no profils,1 drawing
16 - Vought 156 F : 4 pages,6 pictures,2 profils, no drawing
Folder 17 - SNCAO CAO-700 : 4 pages,6 pictures,1 profils, no drawing
The most French bombers used were the Amiot, Farman,Leo and the foreign aircrafts Douglas DB-7 and Martin 167F completed the Air Force task.
Discovering the others second to none bombers is very interesting for the historians and for the modellers. The drawings are very fine on 1/144,1/100,1/72 various scales. The colored profiles are well printed. The b/w pictures are not dark and the details are well see. The history of the aircrafts (built, operations…) allow us to understand they important.
In conclusion, this encyclopedia is indeed the twin of the one devoted to the French fighters during 1939-1942. These 2 volumes will easily find their place in your personal library.
February 2021
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