Title: |
Focke-Wulf FW-190D camo and markings pt 1 |
Author: |
Deboeck, Larger and Poruba |
Publisher |
Japo |
Price |
€45.00 (includes shipping) |
Reviewer: |
Notes: |
must confess I’m a die-hard AFV modeling fan but also suffer from a long
time addiction to airplanes from WW2, their history and the men who flew
I don’t build as many plane models as I do tanks but there’s always one or two on the bench. Among the planes of WW2 the FW 190D “Dora” is by far my favorite bird.
It appeared in the last part of the war when things tended to be a bit … confused !
This explains why no documents remained about the official painting instructions, and the various factory applied camos. When you add the fact that many parts were build in different small factories you end up with a most confusing situation.
We badly needed a book that would help us and that would present a clear picture of this plane’s history.
So here it is.
This book is divided in four parts.
1 – A brief history of the Dora,D9 and D11, how it was employed and the different production batches.
2- A guide to the different painting schemes , stencils and tactical markings seen on these birds.
3- An individual description of all the identified planes, camouflage and markings, of course with original pictures, some of them in color !
4- An exhaustive list of the known Focke-Wulf production losses. This last part amazes me as you can find almost every single plane built by FW, the unit that received it and how it ended. Check the serial numbers … only a few are missing ! The authors must’ve been digging in the hugest stack of documents !
there we are, with 208 pages, 240 pictures, some of them in color, 32
color profiles …
Great !
To any one who once tried to build a Dora, this book is a must-have !
The only “cons” being that you’ll end up dreaming of building each one of these marvelous planes you see in the profiles …
This part one is about the planes built by Focke-Wulf. A second part will deal with the Doras built by other factories … I can’t wait !
November 2005
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