Post WWII Japan

 If you'd like to help sponsor this contest, please contact me.

Roll Models has offered to help sponsor this contest

The award winner in this contest is #3, the Shinmeiwa flying boat. Congratulations to Andre Dorion.

Second was #5 and third #9. Thanks to all who participated.

1. Hasegawa 1/72 Fuji T-1

2.Greenmax 1/150 KHK Type 1000

3. A&W Models 1/144 Shin Meiwa

4. Hasegawa 1/72 S2F-1 Tracker

5. Aurora Godzilla

6. ESCI 1/72 F-104J

7. Meng Toyota

8. Hasegawa 1/72 RF-86F

9. Hasegawa 1/72 Mu-2

10. Tamiya 1/35 Type 61 MBT

11. Hasegawa 1/48 F4EJ