If you'd like to help sponsor this contest, please contact me.
Roll Models has offered
to help sponsor this contest
Frog Model Aircraft is offering an original Frog Kit.
Thomas Braden has offered an Xtrakit Meteor F.8.
Follow this link to the general rules. Failure to abide by these will result in removal from the contest so make sure you read them.
Specific information:
Entries will be accepted on or about 1 July and will continue until 1 September 2016 (Dates are subject to change).
Do not vote until you see an announcement in What's New which will be around 1 September 2016
This contest is for kits produced by one of the oldest plastic model companies around; Frog. Frog went out of business in 1976, but its kit can still be found from a number of other kit companies. Regardless of what box your Frog kit comes from (Revell, Novo, etc), the kit must be built out of the box. Of course, you can use aftermarket decals as any kit decals are probably junk by now. You can also include seat belts (tape or aftermarket), but that is it. No other aftermarket allowed, no scratch-built parts, though you can thin down gear doors and other openings if you so wish. Biplanes can be rigged and radio antenna wires can be added. You may not cut open canopies, doors or other hatches. If you break a pitot tube or gun barrel, you may replace it with stretched sprue; no metal replacements. You may be required to prove your entry was a Frog mold as Frog did a wide variety of subjects so have references ready.
As clarification, it must be a FROG molded kit. Frog reboxed Hasegawa and other company's kits and these will not be eligible.
If you have any questions, do not e-mail be but post your inquiry on the -Forum-
Be sure to comply with the general rules.
Those entries without the full name of the entrant will no longer be posted.
As with all other contests, if there are doubts and no one can answer your questions, I'll include it, but if I get any e-mails that show it is ineligible, I'll pull it. I will not pull a model after judging has started.
There will be no Display Section.
Awards are fully dependent on what is received. If you wish to help with providing awards, contact me.