If you'd like to help sponsor this contest, please contact me.

Roll Models has offered to help sponsor this contest

The winner is #20 by Peter Burstow.

2nd was #16 and 3rd #15, though there is no award for these two places. Thanks to all who participated.

1. Revell 1/48 Bf-109F-2

2. Eduard 1/72 Bf-110

3. Airfix 1/72 Bf-110E

4. Revell 1/48 Bf-110G-4

6. Airfix 1/72 Bf-110

6. Eduard Bf-110

7. Bf-110G

8. Cyberhobby 1/48 Bf-110

9. Airfix 1/72 Bf-110

10. 110C

11. Revell 1/32 110C

12. 110C

13. Revell 1/48 110G

14. Revell 1/48 110G

15. Airfix 110E




19.Airfix 1/72 110G

20. Airfix 1/72 Bf-110E

21. Hobby Boss 1/72 110E

22. Airfix 1/72 110C

23. Italeri 1/72 110D

24. Airfix 1/72 110E

25. Eduard 1/72 110G

26. Revell 1/48 110G