KIT: | Revell 1/72 F-105D Thunderchief |
KIT # | 4363 |
PRICE: | $7.50 (back when it was issued in 1988) |
DECALS: | One aircraft |
REVIEW & | |
NOTES: | Currently (Oct, 2000) Out of Production |
The Republic F-105 was designed from the outset as afighter-bomber with some air to air capability. It was designed to carry itsweapons in an internal bomb bay and to be able to deliver that load atsupersonic speeds. If nothing else, the F-105 is VERY fast at low level. Itscompetitor in the fly-of was an F-100 follow-on from North American, the F-107.The F-107 was a very capable aircraft and equally as fast, however, the nod wasgiven to the Republic entry, and the rest, as they say, is history.
The Thunderchief or 'Thud' as it was generally called, was themost capable USAF fast attack bomber in the inventory when the Vietnam Warheated up in the mid-1960's. Almost every 105D built saw action in that conflictas did a number of F-105F twin seaters as well as the 105G Wild Weasel. Becauseof the high use of the Thud and the ferocity of ground defences, it shouldcome as no real surprise that a huge number of airframes were lost in thatconflict.
When the war was over, the few surviving airframes wereincorporated into some ANG and Reserve squadrons as the USAF had replaced themwith the F-4 Phantom II. The last F-105s in service were the F-105Gs of the 128TFS Georgia ANG and were retired in the mid-1980's.
If you have ever built the Monogram 1/48 F-105D kit, then this one willlook VERY familiar. In fact, it is the 1/48 kit pantographed, or shrunk down insize. This is a cost effective way of getting a 1/72 scale kit as you know thatthe parts will fit and that the engineering is sound. This is what Tamiya iscurrently doing with a number of their more popular 1/48 kits.
Withthe Revell offering, you get positionable exhaust petals, long range fuel tanks,a nicely detailed interior and wheel wells, a MER centerline bomb rack withbombs, two wing pylons with bombs and a canopy that can be displayed open orclosed. You also get a pilot figure. Detailing is of the raised panel variety.
Itis much to the dismay of Thud Lovers everywhere that this kit hasn't seen thelight of day since its initial issue back in 1988. As a result, it is much indemand, and though can be found at swap meets, generally sells for higher thanit did when first produced.
It is a good kit that is welldesigned and builds into a super model. If you can find one, get it!
Review kit courtesy of the fine editor at Modeling Madness!
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