Hobby Boss 1/48 EMB-314 Super Tucano
KIT #: | 81727 |
PRICE: | $53.00 |
DECALS: | Three options |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
New Tool Kit |
The Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano, also named ALX or A-29 is a turboprop aircraft designed for light attack, counter insurgency (COIN), close air support, aerial reconnaissance missions in low threat environments, as well as providing pilot training. Designed to operate in high temperature and humidity conditions in extremely rugged terrain, the Super Tucano is highly maneuverable, has a low heat signature, incorporates 4th generation avionics and weapons system to deliver precision guided munitions. It is currently in service with the air forces of Angola, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Indonesia, and has been ordered by Senegal and the United States Air Force. Brazil and Colombia have used the Super Tucano in combat operations.
is the first injection molded kit of the Super Tucano in this scale. It is very
typical of Hobby Boss kits in terms of having superb molding with nicely
engraved panel line detailing. The cockpit contains a pair of nicely done bang
seats, control sticks, and instrument panels. There are decals for the
instrument panels and raised detail on the
consoles. The kit offers a photo etch fret and these bits are used for the seat
harness and the HUD frame for the front seat.
The nose gear well is made of three parts and this fits into the forward fuselage. Though the instructions do not show it, I would install quite a bit of nose weight in this one as there is a lot of airframe aft of the main gear. Since the nose section which has the prop assembly is separate, one can wait until the kit is near completion before doing this so you are sure to get enough weight installed.
The cockpit is topped with a very clear canopy and windscreen. Both of these have seam lines running down the center of them. Looking at photos in the reference link, this seam is supposed to be there on the canopy and in fact, you may want to accentuate it as it is quite prominent. One does not seem to be on the windscreen so that is one you may wish to remove.
For the wings, there is wheel well detail molded into
the upper section. Holes for the weapons pylons are already drilled out so those
who want a clean wing will need to fill them. Landing gear is nicely molded with
separate wheels both on the nose and main gear. Weapons pylons include anti-sway
braces for the inner pylons. There are several under wing ordnance options that
include fuel tanks, Mk.82 Snakeyes, AIM-9L/P Sidewinders, standard Mk82 slicks
and GBU-12 LGBs. A loadout diagram is provided. One thing that may models (and
modelers) miss is that on turboprop aircraft, the blades are feathered when the
power is off. Hobby
Boss got this right and the nicely done five blade prop is designed to be built
Instructions are nicely drawn with Gunze paint
references. The full color camo and markings guide provide other paint options.
Three sets of markings are provided. One is the Brazilian box art plane in green
over grey (the markings instructions have the wrong
upper color shown). In a similar scheme but with the upper color in a dark
grey is a Colombian plane with a huge shark
mouth. This plane has a solid grey upper wing. Finally, a Chilean plane in a wraparound SEA paint scheme. A nicely done
decal sheet is included and all the options are quite fetching, making your
choice a difficult one. Not shown is an additional sheet for weapons markings.
The decals are nicely printed and should work as well as any aftermarket.
May 2014
Thanks to me for the preview kit.
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