Zvezda 1/72 20mm Flak 38 with crew
KIT #: | 6117 |
PRICE: | $4.95 SRP |
DECALS: | None |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
The FlaK 30 (Flugabwehrkanone 30) and improved FlaK 38 were 20 mm anti-aircraft guns widely used by various German forces throughout the Second World War. It was the primary German light anti-aircraft gun and was produced in a variety of models, notably the Flakvierling 38 which combined four FlaK 38's onto a single carriage.
The latest in Zvezda's war gaming kits is this 1/72 FlaK 38 single barrel 20mm gun with two crew members and a base. The crew members have separate arms/legs in some instances. One man is sitting on the gun while the other is the loader. The kit comes with replacement azimuth and elevation wheels in case you wish not to use the crew as the gunner has those items molded to his hands. We are not talking about a whole lot of parts and this is a snap kit. The mounting areas are well engineered so that one can often not tell they are there when the kit is complete.
Instructions are a very simple exploded 3D drawing. No painting information is supplied, though one can use the box art as a guide. The set comes with a movement card as used in Zvezda's war game series.
This kit is part of a number specially done for Zvezda's 'Art of Tactic' game system. It should make into a very nice and quickly built model in its own right and is really perfect for new modelers thanks to its snap construction.
May 2011
Thanks towww.dragonmodelsusa.com for the preview kit. Get yours at your local retailer.
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