ICM 1/35 le.gl. Einheits-Pkw (Kfz2)
KIT #: | 35522 |
PRICE: | $47.99 SRP |
DECALS: | Two options |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
NOTES: | New tool kit |
The light uniform all-road car - leichten gelände Einheits Personen-Kraftwagen – was manufactured by Stoewer Company and also by BMW and Hanomag since 1936. Since 1940 to 1943 Stoewer produced the simplified model Type 40 without the rear wheels steering gear. All in all there were produced about 13000 le.gl.Einheits-Pkw. Uniform cars were appeared to be too heavy, too complicated and unreliable in the real exploitation.
le.gl.Einheits-Pkw cars were produced with different types of bodies – in particular, Kfz.2 –three-seat radio car.
The above information came from the ICM website.
The kit itself is superbly molded in five grey and one clear sprue of plastic. No photo etch or resin is included as none is needed. The kit has a complete engine and highly detailed transmission. Tires have separate internal hubs with a smooth hub cap that may be attached. The very complex suspension is well detailed as is the front and rear steering mechanisms.
A multi-piece hood is provided. Though it doesn't seem like it is designed to be posed open, it should be a simple task to do so to show off the engine. The front doors to the car are separate items and again, it should be able to be posed open if one wishes. The soft top is molded in the stowed position and the radio set is well detailed.
Markings are provided for four vehicles, three of them in panzer grey with various units in France during 1940, JG.53 in 1941, and a unit in Russia, also during 1941. The lone panzer yellow car as shown on the box art is with the Ramcke Brigade in Libya during 1942. Decals are nicely printed.
Another delightful non tracked military vehicle kit from our friends at ICM. It looks like wheeled vehicles are becoming quite popular and this one is a real beauty.
The ICM web site.
July 2011
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