Dragon 1/35 SdKfz 252 w/Sd.Ah.32/1 trailer
KIT #: | 6718 |
PRICE: | $80.00 SRP |
DECALS: | Four options |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
NOTES: | Smart Kit |
The Sd. Kfz. 252 was based on the Sd.Kfz. 250 half-track and used the same chassis. Initially built by the Demag and Wegmann firms from June through to December 1940, production shifted to Deutsche Werke from January to September 1941. 413 vehicles were manufactured, all of which were issued as ammunition resupply vehicles to Sturmartillerie batteries and saw operation on both European fronts.
As additional load capacity was required, the Sonder-Anhänger (Sd. Ah.) für Munition (7,5 cm) (Sd. Ah. 32/1) was developed as an ammunition transport trailer for towing behind the Sd. Kfz. 252. This trailer carried an additional 36 rounds of 75mm ammunition.
During the Battle of France, SdKfz 252s were used by Sturmartillerie Batteries 640 and 659. Due to production delays with the new Sd. Kfz. 252, Sturmartillerie Batteries 660 and 665 went into battle using “turretless” Panzerkampfwagen I munitions carriers.
On the Eastern front, units using the Sd. Kfz. 252 included the Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 184, 190, 191, and 210.
The Sd.Kfz.252 was eventually replaced by the Sd.Kfz.250/6.
do many modelers realize that their favorite thing that goes 'boom' requires a
steady supply of ammunition. While tanks often have storage for several dozen
additional rounds, StuGs often did not carry enough so needed resupply. All
nations require supplemental ammunition carriers and so it was with the Germany
Army in WWII. Frequently these vehicles were half-tracks towing trailers and so
we have this nice Sd.Kfz 252 light half track kit.
The kit provides a full lower hull on which the suspension, road wheels, sprocket and idler are attached. The front straight acles is also attached to this piece. In this kit, Dragon includes its individual track links which appear to just snap in place. The pads on each link are separate items so one will need to plan some quality time to assemble these. Front wheels are left and right pieces.
This kit is not a curbside and comes with a relatively complete four cylinder engine with radiator and hoses. The interior section is a nicely molded piece on which there are two seats and onto which a dash board, steering system as the engine transmission are shown. I have to say that the way the steering wheel is attached is something a bit different and I'm sure it took a little while for the driver to get used to it. Speaking of which a driver figure is included. In the back are various ammo storage areas and personal weapons.
Left and right side venders are separate items and one builds these up along with their various storage boxes and pioneer tools prior to attaching them to the hull. The upper body works have a number of hatches that while shown modeled closed, can be posed open, which would be mandatory if you want to show off the engine or any of the interior bits. If you want everything closed up you can skip a lot of the interior construction as nothing on the inside will be visible.
Included with
the kit is a nicely done trailer. This item has upper doors that again can be
posed open or closed. Open it shows a number of shells in readiness. Wheels for
it are also molded in left and right sides and the trailer has separate fenders.
photo etch
fret is included that provides the end of the shells as well as screens for the
upper body along with various brackets and straps. A braided steel wire is
included for a towing cable.
The camo and marking schemes provide for four vehicles. Three are in overall panzer grey operating on the Eastern Front. These are from StuG. Abt 243 and 226 as well as with Infantry Division 'Grossdeutschland'. A fourth option is in panzer yellow with green splotches. The small decal sheet is nicely printed.
In all, this makes for a rather neat model. Sure, it isn't as impressive as a Tiger tank, but these vehicles were every bit as important and were seen pretty much everywhere.
March 2017
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Thanks to www.dragonmodelsusa.com for the preview kit. You can find this kit at your favorite hobby shop or on-line retailer.
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