Kit: Freya
Kit Number: FX6
Manufacturer: Phoenix
Price: $35.00
Media: Metal
Decals: None
Date of review: 21 January, 1998
Review and photos by: Scott Van Aken
Phoenix does it again with a very nice cast metal female figurine. Typical of all of Phoenix's kits, there are very few parts. This one consists of the base figure with only the arms, axe, helmet horns and horn on her back to be added
Typical of these kits, there was a large seam that needed to be filed down and a number of pits that needed filled. I have mentioned that I do not like doing Caucasian skin, as I have trouble with the shadings, and you can see that I still have a long way to go to get them right. The rest of the figure was painted with a mixture of enamels and acrylics with all the washes done in acrylic. A bit of Bare Metal Foil was used along the sharp edge of the axe.
As you can see, this kit is just a bit more subdued than others in the series, but makes a nice addition to the collection. I have found that most of these kits fit very well under the glass of those domes used to display pocket watches. The local crafts store has these for around $6.00 and they are a good investment for anyone working with this scale figure.
Recommended for the talented and degenerate amongst us :)