Pavla V72-67: MiG-29 Canopy




Scott Van Aken


 Vacuformed for the Italeri or ICM kit. 

Another of Pavla's fine replacement canopies is this one for the Italeri/ICM 1/72 kit. Like all of Pavla's recent canopies, this one is molded in several sections so that you can display it open to show off the cockpit. The molding is very nice and the plastic is thick enough to where attachment won't be an issue as it is with some that are paper-thin. No instructions are required for this as it is a pretty simple 'remove the old bits and replace with the new ones' sort of thing.

February 2009

Review copy courtesy of the fine folks atPavla ModelsPavlamodels - logo. Visit them at theirwebsite.

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