Pavla  U72-49 Hunter F.3 Conversion Set


Pavla U 72-49 Hunter F.3 Conversion Set




Scott Van Aken


Resin and vacuformed plastic for the Revell kit.

I am surprised that it has taken this long for anyone to do a conversion set for the very nice Revell Hawker Hunter. This is a superlative kit and surpasses any other Hunter yet done in this scale.

Pavla has produced an excellent conversion set to enable the modeler to convert either the F.6 or FGA.9 boxing into the record breaker Hunter F.3. There were a number of differences in this plane over standard Hunters and this set includes them all. Biggest are the afterburner tail section, pointed nose and smoother canopy. The kit also includes a new nose gear well, new ailerons, wing tips and a replacement for the wing leading edge 'dogtooth' that comes with the kit. A full set of decals is also part of the set.

Pavla's instructions are easy to follow and provide full directions and painting information.

Another fine Pavla detail/conversion set and one that will add this unique plane to your collection.

May 2008

Review copy courtesy of the fine folks atPavla ModelsPavlamodels - logo. Visit them at theirwebsite.

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