Master Details 32067: 1/32 USAAF Pacific Theater Bomber Pilot

KIT #: 32067
PRICE: $17.49 SRP from
DECALS: none required
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: Resin and metal.

Master Details has been producing figures for USAAF bombers over the last few years and this one adds to that collection. Thanks to various Chinese manufacturers who have started producing these kits in 1/32 scale, the need to provide crew members has arisen for those who like crewed aircraft.

This one is typical Master Details' work in that you are provided with the basic parts of the figure in resin and the rest in cast metal. In addition to the main body with alternate arms in resin, you also get two heads along with an O2 hose in cast pewter. This provides you the opportunity to model the figure with both long and short sleve shirts as well as with or without the O2 mask. In the Pacific, for the most part, missions were at a fairly low level so you don't see crews all bundled up as they were in the higher altitudes and colder climes of Europe. A parachute pack is also included.

The casting on both the metal and resin parts is top notch and you'll find construction will be quite easy. A full set of illustrations is provided to assist with painting and assembly instructions are included. A very nice addition, especially if you are going to build one of these big bombers.

September 2019

Copyright All rights reserved.

My thanks to Master Details for providing the review sample. Get yours direct at this link.

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