Edge has produced some great resin cockpit sets that are superbly detailed and
fit well. Their 1/48 set for the A-1 Skyraider, CE48103, looks to be
another winner. Included in the set are main cockpit floor and consoles,
instrument panel, gunsight, side consoles, front and rear bulkheads, Yankee
extraction seat and a choice of covered and uncovered rocket assemblies.
On a brass fret are rudder pedals, seat adjustment lever,
mirrors, and a
center pull ring.
I bought this resin set at the same time I bought Tamiya's 1/48 Navy Skyraider as I wanted to do a USAF version. The instructions do not state what kit it is made for, but the store proprietor told me that it was for the Monogram kit and should fit the Tamiya kit. Judging from the copyright date of 1997 for the Cutting Edge set, I'd have to say that he was correct.
However, from eyeballing the pieces, it looks like it would fit the Tamiya kit with little adjustment. While the Yankee extraction system was used on very late model Navy Skyraiders, it was more commonly used on USAF A-1s late in thier active career. That would make it unsuitable for Korean war Navy aircraft, although you could use the cockpit without the seat for those versions. You might also have to modify or remove the rear bulkhead seat rails for an early SPAD.
Another superb effort from Cutting Edge.