
Cutting Edge ALQ-71 Jamming Pods


CEC 32155




1/32 F-105D/F (Vietnam era)


Scott Van Aken

This is a nice set that includes two of the ALQ-71 Jamming Pods that were used by the F-105 fleet in Vietnam. It includes the RAT (Ram Air Turbine) nose that was most frequently used on the 105 as well as optional tail pieces. The shorter parts were the least common, but were used. You also have two styles of 'long' and 'short' antennas to choose from. Combining these with the different nose and tail styles, you can have the type of pod that matches what was used by the specific aircraft that you are modeling.

These pods were also used on the F-4 Phantom, but basically only with the longer rear cap. A truly super molding and something that is a mini-model in itself. It is sure to really enhance your big Trumpeter 105.

Review set courtesy of  Cutting Edge

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