Yellowhammer 48-034:Superbug CAGs and Skippers pt 2 |
$10.99 |
VFA-11 & VFA-213 |
This second sheet also includes three different aircraft from
two units. In this case, they are the twin seat F-18Fs and so your only options
are Hasegawa and Italeri. Again, I've been told the Italeri kit has been
remolded to production standards, but I've not seen it so cannot confirm that.
Usual Hornet TPS is FS 36320 over 36375.
First up is the Skipper's plane from VFA-11. I do believe that the area around the cockpit is Insignia Blue. The CAG bird also has the outside of the fins painted in this color. The tail stripes are provided on the sheet, though I have to say the red looks a tad dark when compared to the photo that is provided. Regardless, two nice options.
The third one is the CAG bird from VFA-213, a unit that has just recently transitioned from the F-14D. Dark blue rudders and fin tips on this one that you will have to paint. For some reason, there is a tiny sliver on the aft portion of the rudders that is never painted in these schemes.
The decal sheet provides enough basic data and insignia for one of the options. Thanks to a great decal sheet with the Hasegawa kit, you can glean the rest of the materials from there.
Review copy courtesy of YellowHammer Models
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