Xtradecal X72250 Jet Provost T.3 & variants
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$18.00 by the time it got to my door |
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With the
recent release of the Airfix T.3, it is inevitable that there would be a decals
sheet for it. The jet saw considerable overseas sales and was in service for
quite a while with the RAF.
This particular sheet offers markings for eight different jets. For the most part, the camo or markings on the options will need some painting and masking by the builder.
There are five RAF markings on the sheet. In no particular order they are:
A light
aircraft grey plane with red fin tip and tanks for the 'The Macaws' display team
in 1968.
Another light aircraft grey plane from the Central Flying School in 1968. This one has all those lovely da-glo markings on it like one of the kit options.
An overall medium sea grey aircraft with a big yellow fuselage band and yellow tip tanks from 79 squadron in 1979 is the third.
Fourth option is an overall high speed silver plane with large fluorescent areas and a blue fuselage band with the RAF College in 1960 or so.
Finally, a dark sea grey and dark green over light aircraft grey camouflaged plane with 79 Squadron in 1984.
The rest are from the foreign contingent starting with an overall silver plane with a large red nose markings from the Royal Ceylon Air Force circa 1971. There is a small addendum sheet with this to add two wing insignia that were not included on the main sheet.
From the South Arabian Air Force in 1965 is a dark green and dark earth over light aircraft grey plane.
The eighth option is an overall silver plane with a fluorescent fuselage band with the Venezuelan Air Force in 1964.
Instructions are in full color and provide both sides as well as upper and lower views. Data markings will have to come from the kit sheet. The decals themselves are printed by Microscale.
March 2017
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