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Microscale 72-388 for F-80C Shooting Stars |
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$6 |
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Undoubtely the real workhorse of the Korean war
was the F-80C. Initially it was used for a fighter, but when the Mig-15
appeared, the F-80 was relagated to a much more dangerous job, that of ground
support. During the early months of the war, there was insufficient space in the
small pocket the UN troops were pushed into and the F-8Os flew from bases in
Japan. Later, as the war expanded north, they operated from bases in Korea
itself. Often these bases were nothing more than cleared areas covered with
steel matting to provide a stable surface. Most common ordnance carried by the
F-80 were twin 500 lb bombs or napalm. Toward the end of the Korean War,
several F-80 units started being replaced by F-86F Sabres.
The F-80 has not been well represented in the modeling community. In fact, there really are only two kits of any merit available. Fortunately, they are not bad and there is one each in 1/72 and 1/48. In 1/48 there is the still nice, but venerable Monogram kit. In 1/72 we have only the Airfix offering. Both of these kits are reissued from time to time so should not be that difficult to locate should you desire to build one.
This Microscale
sheet has common markings for thre of the aircraft and national insignia for one and a half. How that
came about I haven't a clue, but there it is! There are even decal instrument
panels for the kit included.
First scheme is for 'Ramblin Reck Tew from the 35th FBS. It is rather plain with just a blue nose and tail band.
Next is 'Seductive Shirley' from the 25th FIS at Kimpo in 1950. This one has red nose and tail bands.
'Salty Dog' is the next aircraft and it is also from the 35th FBS at Itazuke, Japan in 1950. Like it;s peer it has a blue nose and tail band.
Final aircraft is 'Saggin Dragon' from the 16th FIS with its markings in blue. This is the aircraft that is provided in the Airfix kit.
Review copy courtesy of me and my now empty wallet!
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