
Superscale 48-894: F-18C Hornet

Units: VFA-105 & 136




Scott Van Aken

This sheet contains two Hornets from Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. Both are in the simplified TPS scheme of FS 36320 over 36375. The recommended kit is the Hasegawa F-18C, though the Monogram version will work equally as well. There are enough insignia for both planes but only enough data markings to do one.

First up is the VFA-136 CO's plane from Enduring Freedom. Though not quite a colorful as a CAG bird, it is darn close.

From VFA-105 comes this CAG bird which participated in the invasion of Iraq. It has several mission marks and a small name on the nose. Several of the common markings are in squadron colors instead of grey.

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