Starfighter Decals 72-147: Bent Wing Birds part 2
$10.00 from |
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Thanks to
Starfighter Decals, we have another nice sheet for Corsairs. This one covers
four overall sea blue FG-1Ds, three of them in USN Reserve markings. There are
no lack of kits for this sheet, most probably choosing the Tamiya or Hasegawa
First up, with its orange fuselage band is a plane from NAS Oakland back in late 1948
The other orange banded plane is from NAS Sand Point, Washington about the same time period.
The third USNR plane is from just after the war when the markings were in yellow. This plane is from NAS Livermore in late 1946. Note that this plane has no fuselage insignia.
The lone active duty plane is well chosen, being an FG-1D from VMF-122 based at Peleliu in 1945. Even this late in the war, there were bypassed garrisons of Japanese that needed to be dealt with.
The sheet itself is nicely printed and includes fuselage bands, but you may want to paint those on. Enough insignia for all but the last plane and you can glean those from the kit sheet. Full color instructions are included.
Thanks to for the review sample.
August 2015
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