Sheet: |
Eagle Strike 48-122: Bf-109s of the Balkans pt 3 |
Units | See review |
Price |
$9.00 ($7.00 at NA Hobbies) |
Reviewer: |
Ah yes,
another 109 sheet; the world is good. This continues with the previous two
sheets based on the Classic Jagdwaffe book among other sources. All
the planes appear to be Bf-109E-4/7 variants, but looks can be deceiving.
You see, during the later parts of the Battle of Britain and after, most
surviving early E models were retrofitted with the stronger E-4 canopy and
windscreen. This makes it particularly difficult to tell the difference
between the E-3 and E-4 versions just by looking. One has to know the
serial to be sure. Now the E-7 was plumbed for a drop tank so those would
probably have a lower fuselage rack, making identification a bit easier.
The E-1, of course, didn't have cannon in the wings, only machine guns, so
no lower wing cannon clearance bulge. So when I mention that an airframe is
an E-3, it could just as easily be an E-4 or vice versa. Just thought you'd
like to know that. If you are going to model the plane, you'll need an E-4
version as often those marketed as E-3s will not have the later canopy.
First up
is white 11, a III./JG 77 E-3/4 from May 1941. It is in what appears
to be locally mixed greys over RLM 65 with mottling and lines in RLM 71.
Actually, the green on the side appears way too light to be RLM 71.
Standard Balkans markings of yellow nose and rudder with yellow wingtips.
Black 10, also from III./JG 77 is in what appears to be locally mixed greys over RLM 65, with the upper colors and RLM 70 sprayed on the sides. In addition to the Balkans markings, a sliver of yellow is painted on the rear of the wings. It has a pointed spinner in RLM 70/white with a red tip.
From 5./JG 77 is Black 8. This is an E-1B (with a centerline bomb rack) and painted in RLM 71/02/65 s. The side mottling is in RLM 71.
Finally, from 9./JG 52 is this E-1 in standard RLM 71/02/65 camouflage. Yellow 12 has no wing tip markings as normally carried. The yellow rudder appears partially oversprayed in the same very light mottling as on the fuselage side.
Most will go for the Hasegawa or Tamiya kits for this sheet, but don't overlook the still rather nice Hobbycraft version of the early 109s.
Review sheet courtesy North American Hobbies, where you can get everything at 20-30% below retail.
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