Sheet: |
Eagle Cals 48-18 |
Units: | See review |
Price |
$ |
Reviewer: |
I've mentioned in other sheet reviews, the Hasegawa 1/48 Hs-129 just hasn't
been as hot a kit as many would have hoped. I've seen a few at shows, but
really, not that many and it is too bad as it really is a very nice kit
that goes together well. All versions on this sheet are 129B-2s and all are
in RLM 70/71/65 scheme. One is overpainted in white and I'll point that out
when I get to it. There are sufficient decals to do one German and one
Rumanian plane from what's on the sheet. The sheet also includes engine
instrument decals and the side window aiming marks.
First is Yellow 3 from PzSt./JG 51 in early 1943. Being attached to a Jagdgruppe, it has fighter codes, most unusual for a Hs-129. As with all the other 129s, it carries the Eastern Front tactical markings of yellow fuselage band, lower wing tips and nose.
K is a winter camouflaged plane from 10./SG 9. The regular camo has been
overpainted in spots with white, making for an unusual scheme.
White 327 is one of the planes sold to Rumania for use on the Russian Front. Unlike the other planes, it carries no cannon; only the bomb racks. Strangely, the tail stripes are not included in the decal sheet so will have to be painted on by the builder.
Finally Red F, from 14./SG 9 in a very standard camo scheme, but with black/white spirals on the prop hub. It also carries the 'Hungarian front' yellow V under the wing.
Review copy courtesy of me.
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