Cutting Edge 48-267:F4U-4 pt 1 |
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mirroring the recent 1/32 releases, this sheet covers three aircraft.
First up is a
VMA-214 'Black Sheep' Corsair from the Korean War period. Like all the
others on this sheet, it is in overall gloss sea blue.
Next up is a Honduran F4U-4 that participated in the 1969 'Soccer War' with El Salvador. Unlike the larger scale sheet, this one has the full insignia as a decal so no extra painting is required.
Finally, one not on the 1/32 sheets: a VF-713 Corsair with a number of mission marks under the cockpit. The only color is a white fin tip and white prop hub.
Overall a fine sheet and it is about time we had some 1/48 decals for the later Corsair.
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