Cutting Edge 48-220: He-162A-2 |
$9.99 |
JG 1 and captured |
as an inexpensive fighter that could easily be flown by an inexperienced
pilot, the He-162 went from design study to squadron service in about 6
months, an incredibly short amount of time. Despite quality problems that
caused a number of crashes, the aircraft could have performed well if there
were time for it to see action. Though several Staffel of JG 1 had
converted to the type, it never saw any success in combat during the very
few times it was able to even spot enemy aircraft. The unit ended up
surrendering its aircraft to the British without really proving its worth.
All of
these planes are painted in a variety of colors on the upper side including
RLM 70, 71, 81, or 82 on the upper side with RLM 76 undersides. These
aircraft were produced in subassemblies with these assemblies coming
together only where the total airframe was constructed. As a result, you
could have sections of wings and tails in different colors. For kits there
is but one in 1/48 and that is a very nice one from Dragon that goes in and
out of availability, but generally, you can find one if you look.
There are six aircraft on the sheet. Two are captured planes with British roundels on them. There is White 1 from 1./JG 1, Red 1 from 2./JG 1, and White 5 and Yellow 6 from 3./JG 1. Each of these planes has a red arrow of some size on the nose and most of the German ones sport a unit badge.
Thanks to the small size of the plane and general lack of data markings, the builder can do all six subjects on the sheet should that be the desire.
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