Cutting Edge 32-036: Hornet's Revenge 2 |
$8.99 |
VFA-34 |
is a second sheet from Cutting Edge for the Hornet in 1/32. As with the
first sheet, it is designed for the Hasegawa or Academy 1/32 F-18C. This
particular plane is from the USS George Washington during its July-December
2002 cruise where it participated in strikes in Afghanistan and Iraq. As
with all modern F-18s, it is painted in FS 36320 over 36375. As it is a CAG
bird, there is a bit f color, but that is confined to the badges on the
outside of the fins. Fin tips are to be painted black in keeping with the
low vis color scheme.
All insignia and basic stenciling is provided to complete the aircraft.
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