Caracal Models CD 72053: A-1E Skyraider
Units: | Various |
Price |
$13.99 |
Reviewer: |
of us have built the Monogram 1/72 A-1E Skyraider. This kit harkens back to the
late 1960s, and while a pretty simple kit, is generally accurate, if lacking in
detail. There are several aftermarket sets available for it including a cockpit,
which will really help. Recently, a new A-1E kit has been produced, but it is
quite expensive in comparison and apparently has its issues as well. Regardless
of which the modeler chooses, we now have a very nice decal sheet that, while
designed for the Monogram kit, shoujld fit the new one as well without too much
Included in this set are the following.
132649, (aircraft flown by Maj. Bernie Fisher during the mission that won him
the Medal of Honor). This was assigned to the ist SOS at Pleiku in 1966
A-1E 132619, "Carolyn's Folly" was with the 602 ACS at Bien Hoa in 1966
With the 4407 CCTS at Hurburt Field in 1972 is this AH tail coded A-1E
'War Monger' was with the 1st ACS at Pleiku in 1967 and coded 6T
Next, a VNAF A-1E with the 514th FS at Bien Hoa.
Our first Navy plane is an AD-5 with the Naval Air Reserve Training Unit (NARTU) at Los Alamitos.
Finally, the very colorful VU-1 AD-5U based at NAS Barbers Point in 1962.
The instructions are excellent and provide not only left and right side profiles, but also the upper and lower schemes for all these options.
If you have the Monogram kit, then you should seriously consider this one as it will help to liven up your display shelves.
December 2016
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