Sheet: |
Aeromaster 32-017: Green Nose Mustangs II |
Units: | 369 FG |
Price |
$ |
Reviewer: |
Here is the second 1/32 sheet of aircraft from the 369 FG. Like the previous sheet, this one takes some of its subjects from the 1/48 issues. All three subjects have the 'greyed out' insignia and green noses. There are enough insignia and data markings for one aircraft and a smaller additional sheet is included with the black wing and stabilizer stripes so often found on bare metal Mustangs.
First up
is 'Janet/Elva Mae' from 1945. This aircraft has yellow on the rudder and
canopy frame. It also has an Aeroproducts prop and shrouded exhaust.
'Heat Wave' has a red rudder and carries D-Day stripes on the lower sides of the fuselage and the wings. No exhaust shrouds.
Finally, 'Cookie' with red on its trim tab and radio mast. THis plane also has unshrouded exhaust and D-day stripes on the lower fuselage.
Another fine sheet with a nice selection of subjects.
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